DYNLL1 Gene - GeneCards | DYL1 Protein | DYL1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · DYNLL1 (Dynein Light Chain LC8-Type 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with DYNLL1 include Rabies and Lissencephaly 1. Among its related pathways are …
DYNLL1 - Wikipedia
Cytoplasmic dyneins are large enzyme complexes with a molecular mass of about 1,200 kD. They contain two force-producing heads formed primarily from dynein heavy chains, and stalks …
DYNLL1 binds to MRE11 to limit DNA end resection in BRCA1-deficient ...
2018年10月31日 · In cells, DYNLL1 limits nucleolytic degradation of DNA ends by associating with the DNA end-resection machinery (MRN complex, BLM helicase and DNA2 …
DYNLL1 dynein light chain LC8-type 1 [ (human)] - National …
Dynein light chain LC8 alleviates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by inhibiting NF-kappaB signaling and reducing oxidative stress. DYNLL1 is hypomethylated and upregulated in a tumor stage- …
动力蛋白轻链 LC8-type 1(DYNLL1)基因 | MCE
细胞质动力蛋白是分子量约为 1,200 kD 的大型酶复合物。 它们包含两个主要由动力蛋白重链形成的力产生头,以及将头连接到基底域的茎,基底域包含数量不等的辅助中间链。 该复合物参 …
DYNLL1重组蛋白—结构与功能 - 百家号
2024年1月4日 · 摘要:dynll1蛋白是一种重要的动力蛋白轻链,参与细胞运动、形态变化和细胞器的定位等生物学过程。 它能够调控微管的聚合和解聚,影响细胞定位运动、分裂和迁移等。
Dynamics of the DYNLL1–MRE11 complex regulate DNA end
2023年9月11日 · Here we describe how the 53BP1-associated protein DYNLL1 works in tandem with the Shieldin complex to protect DNA ends. DYNLL1 is recruited to DSBs by 53BP1, …
Dynll1 is essential for development and promotes endochondral …
2019年4月22日 · To define the contribution of the LC8-type dynein light chain subunit to the CD2 complex, we have generated Dynll1 -deficient mouse strains, including the first-ever …
DYNLL1 binds to MRE11 to limit DNA end resection in BRCA1-deficient ...
2020年11月8日 · In cells, DYNLL1 limits nucleolytic degradation of DNA ends by associating with the DNA end-resection machinery (MRN complex, BLM helicase and DNA2 endonuclease). In …
DYNLL1 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
DLC 1 (also known as DYNLL1, LC8, and PIN) is ubiquitously expressed and participates in a variety of essential intracellular events. DLC1 transition from monomer to dimer is crucial for …