DYSS Cutter X7 Series
Bring your cutting and finishing in-house with the DYSS X7 digital die cutter. This large flatbed digital die cutter is a perfect match for your digital printer. Built according to cutting-edge technology and strict standards, DYSS X7 digital die cutter delivers high quality, dependability and reliable performance.
DYSS Cutter X7 Series
dyss x7 디지털 커터를 사용하여 절단 및 마무리를 사내에서 작업하세요. 이 대형 평판 디지털 커터는 디지털 프린터와 완벽한 조화를 이룹니다. 최첨단 기술과 엄격한 표준에 따라 제작된 dyss x7 디지털 다이 커터는 높은 품질, 신뢰성 및 확실한 성능을 제공합니다.
X7 Digital Cutting Machines | Precision meets Speed - AG/CAD
With a DYSS X7 you can automate your finishing, eliminate costly mistakes, and reduce your labour costs thanks to its fast, accurate, camera guided routing and knife cutting. X7 machines are already installed alongside digital printers from HP, Canon Océ, Fuji, EFI Vutek, Inktec Jetrix, Screen Inca & Truepress, Mtex, Agfa, and Mimaki catering ...
DYSS (Print & Cut Solution)
We do all works from Design ~ Packaging in our organization. There are 3 kinds of Cutter Series. Just focus on your mainstream! What is the material to be cut? We will recommend the tool suitable for cutting a specific material. Circular + Elliptical + …
DYSS X7 系列切割机
借助 dyss x7,您可以自动完成精加工,消除代价高昂的错误,并降低人工成本,这要归功于其快速、准确的相机引导路线和刀具切割。 X7 机器已经与惠普、佳能 Océ、富士、EFI Vutek、Inktec Jetrix、Screen Inca 和 Truepress、Mtex、Agfa 和 Mimaki 的数字打印机一起安装,可 ...
Cutting System - DYSS
Non-contact tool calibration sensors allow any tool to automatically calibrate height offset. Safety devices that detect intrusion and presence of human body within specified areas to prevent injury and mechanical damage.
screen and flexo sectors comes new demands for digital cutting/finishing. The new DYSS DGS V-PRO X7 Series range of digital cutters has been designed and constructed for exactly this purpose. Combining class-leading build quality and performance with versatile tooling, the machine can handle all your digital cutting requirements.
DYSS X7 为 IS 集团节省时间和金钱 - agcad.co.uk
在 DYSS X7 上增加的无源滚装装置可实现快速、精确的卷筒介质输送和处理。 然后,智能 K-CUT Vision 相机/软件系统参考通过打印机 RIP 生成的相关切刀导轨,以识别打印的套准标记并调整床上材料的旋转或错位。 尽管四个套准标记对于大多数刚性介质类型就足够了,但在柔性介质(如旗帜网、横幅和纺织品)上添加额外的套准标记将使软件能够补偿拉伸、线性和非线性变形。 DYSS 数字切割机上可选传送带的另一个创新用途是能够处理比机器床身长度(X 轴)更长的刚性介 …
Dyss Cutter Review - Signs101.com: Largest Forum for …
2017年4月14日 · We are looking at the DYSS X7. We have a Kongsberg XL44 and need to add a new digital cutting machine due to our increase in jobs to cut. We are looking at a DYSS due to the price point and machine capabilities. Does anyone have good/negative experience with these machines and service. Are they reliable? We are looking at the DYSS X7.
X7 Digital Cutter by DYSS - Komachine
DYSS. manufacturer of Screen printing M/C, UV inkjet, Digital Cutter, Solar sell, IR dryer, Cleaning M/C, Automation M/C and more