DYSTEN - producent elektronicznych urządzeń LED, LCD, TFT
DYSTEN provides passenger information systems, variable message signs, parking signs, spectator and sound systems. Combining multiple technologies, it is a natural first choice for customers. Experience, high reproducible quality confirmed by ISO 9001 and IRIS certification, innovative solutions, lifetime support are features that guarantee ...
Products - DYSTEN
DYSTEN offers scoreboards and sports and entertainment screens in non-standard, customizable shapes and sizes with a control panel. DYSTEN is an authorized distributor of Colorado Time Systems – a time measurement system for swimming pool facilities.
DYSTEN - producent elektronicznych urządzeń LED, LCD, TFT
DYSTEN dostarcza systemy informacji pasażerskiej, znaki zmiennej treści, tablice parkingowe, systemy widowiskowe i nagłośnieniowe. Łącząc wiele technologii jest dla klientów naturalnym pierwszym wyborem.
ABOUT US - Dysten - Railway Displays
DYSTEN – A polish manufacturer, A polish capital, highly appreciated polish technic. Solution all over the global markets. An extensive experience built since 1999 enables to meet the demands of individual customers and face the most challenging projects.
DYSTEN offers railway displays with custom shapes and sizes while using reliable components. DYSTEN follows the PID project from beginning to end, from the analysis of the product feasibility, concept and custom design, until the creation of a prototype and finished product..
CONTACT - Dysten
DYSTEN - passenger information displays manufacturer - contact us - PIDS, PIS projects for railways, custom information displays
DYSTEN - LinkedIn
Real-time passenger information displays system | LED RGB, LCD TFT, E-paper displays | VMS, Parking Displays | DYSTEN offers a complete wide range of real-time information displays for...
DYSTEN - Railway Technology
DYSTEN designs, manufactures and installs Passenger Information Displays System (PIDS) for railways. The company’s wide range of solutions provides passengers with clear, readable information about real-time departures, arrivals, delays and route changes.
PRODUCTS - Dysten - Railway Displays
Passenger Information Displays system products - arrival / departure boards, large station display, platform display, infokiosk
DYSTEN – Best European Manufacturer of Passenger Information …
Polish company DYSTEN has been named best European manufacturer of passenger information displays in a competition organised by the publisher of the British International Transport News trade magazine. The judging panel has recognised Dysten due to its high-quality combined with detailed customisation to customer needs.
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