Dzongkha - Open Library
2008年4月4日 · Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free.
Cine Lenses for Filmmakers - DZOFILM
Explore Cine Lenses for filmmakers - From primes, zooms, to macro lenses, DZOFILM designs and manufactures compact and high-quality lenses for your cinematography.
东正光学 | 关于我们 | DZOPTICS-光学及光电技术企业
深圳市东正光学技术股份有限公司 (dzo) 总部位于广东省深圳市,是聚焦于“成像技术应用探索、创新”,致力于"平台多元化、业务全球化"为企业经营目标的国家级高新技术企业、国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业,并参与多项国家级光学技术相关工程项目。
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机器视觉 工业镜头手册
dzo_tc500110a 2/3" 5 110 31 293 c TC600110A 2/3" 6 110 38.7 288.1 C
རྫོང་ཁའི་བརྡ་སྤྲོད་པའི་གཞུང། The Grammar of Dzongkha
This dissertation is a description of phonetics, phonology, and word and clause-level morphosyntax of Dzongkha (dzo), a Southern Tibetic language within the Central Bodish branch of Tibeto-Burman. Dzongkha is spoken as a native …
(PDF) The Grammar of Dzongkha Revised and Expanded, with a …
2019年1月1日 · Karma Tshering of Gaselô and George van Driem. 2019. The Grammar of Dzongkha, Revised and Expanded, with a Guide to Roman Dzongkha and to Phonological Dzongkha. Santa Barbara, California: Himalayan...
DZOFILM专注于电影镜头,提供4K、6K、8K变焦和定焦镜头,以 …
DZOFILM专注于电影镜头市场的每一个细节,始终坚持不妥协的原则。 我们致力于为影视创作者提供精致的画面质感和流畅的操作体验,无论他们的市场定位如何。 我们的使命是通过创新和质量,支持他们的创意实现,确保每一帧都能讲述一个精彩的故事。
Dzongkha - LING073 - Swarthmore College
Dissertation by Stephen A Watters (2018) - Grammar of Dzongkha (dzo): phonology, words, and simple clauses; George Van Duren (2017) - Morphosyntax of Himalayan Languages; Dhungyel and Grundspenkis (2017) - Analysing the Methods of Dzongkha Word Segmentation
X-Tract | Full-frame Probe Zoom Lens | DZOFILM
Combining a T8 large aperture, wide-angle zoom macro capabilities, and a design inspired by starship exploration, it redefines macro cinematography. The X-tract lens becomes a tool for exploration and discovery, extracting unique visual creativity from …
Dzo - Blogger
2012年12月10日 · Dzo is the Tibetan name for hybrid creatures that are the cross between Yaks and domesticated Cattle. The name technically refers to only the male crosses (females are reffered to as Dzomo), but for the sake of ease we'll use Dzo today for a general term.