Cine Zoom Lenses for Filmmakers - Pictor Zoom - DZOFILM
DZOFILM Pictor 12-25mm T2.8, the latest Super 35 wide-angle lens, captures wide shots with ease. Team it up with the Pictor 14-30mm, 20-55mm & 50-125mm, and you’ve got a complete arsenal ready for any shot your story demands. Deeper DOF and wider FOV captures broaderwider background.
东正光学 | 关于我们 | DZOPTICS-光学及光电技术企业
公司历经十余年技术革新和市场开拓,已逐步形成以机器视觉成像(工业镜头—DZOPTICS)、影视传媒(DZOFILM)、消费光学 (Thypoch) 为主要业务领域。 在全球范围内,东正光学的产品和服务已遍及30多个国家和地区,共创建了7个实验室级创新研发中心,5个精密加工制造基地,11个销售服务站,占地总面积约2.4万平米,员工400余人。 东正的愿景与使命是以光学技术为背景,发展综合性业务的全球化光电技术型公司! 以客户为中心,持续为客户创造价值!
Cine Lenses for Filmmakers - DZOFILM
Explore Cine Lenses for filmmakers - From primes, zooms, to macro lenses, DZOFILM designs and manufactures compact and high-quality lenses for your cinematography.
DZOFILM专注于电影镜头,提供4K、6K、8K变焦和定焦镜头,以 …
DZOFILM专注于电影镜头市场的每一个细节,始终坚持不妥协的原则。 我们致力于为影视创作者提供精致的画面质感和流畅的操作体验,无论他们的市场定位如何。 我们的使命是通过创新和质量,支持他们的创意实现,确保每一帧都能讲述一个精彩的故事。
中文 - dzoptics.com
东正光学 | 电影镜头,绘制您心中的实际 | DZOPTICS-光学及光电 …
无邪系列全新设计的光学和机械结构,高质量的ED/Super ED镜片加持,确保画面高频细节丰富,低频过度自然。 后置滤镜能有效减少杂散光反射和成像鬼影带来的影响,保证原有的高素质表现。 全画幅广角电影镜头以更开阔的视角探索更恢弘的画面。 「翎」系列焦段覆盖28mm 到100mm,支持φ31.5mm 的成像圈,均具有2倍变形压缩比,带来如孔雀翎羽般的熠熠光辉。 它能够在6:5的传感器模式下输出2.39:1画幅的影像,实现真正影院视感的变宽效果,更可避免脸部 …
DZO Picture Zooms: Affordable Cine Lenses for Super 35 Cameras
In this video I'll talk about my experience with DZO Zooms. I'll talk about image quality, characteristics and overall use on actual projects Set of DZOFILM Pictor Zooms 20-55mm and 50-125mm T2.8...
DZOFILM Scales Up with Pictor Zooms - The Cine Lens
2021年2月25日 · DUCLOS: How did DZO manage to keep the price point so low on the Pictor cine zooms? DZOFILM: As you know, China has a nickname–factory of the world. And thus we have good yet inexpensive raw material, precise processing machines, and mature supply chains. All these help us to control the cost.
Amazon.com: DZOFILM Pictor Zoom 12-25/20-55/50-125mm T2.8 …
2024年1月4日 · Boasting an aperture range from T2.8 to T22, this black-hued lens ensures top-notch clarity throughout its zoom range.Hold Focus with Parfocal ExcellenceRevolutionize your shoots with its parfocal design that consistently holds focus.
2022年8月29日 · In this video I highlight the lenses I use for most of my work, the DZO Pictor zooms. I discuss some of the physical aspects of the lenses as well as look at footage I shot with them. Enjoy!
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