Textbooks and Manuals – Department of School Education
Teaching and learning materials provided to schools are broadly categorized into DSE Publications, Local Publications and Outside Publications based on the publishing rights. Most of the textbooks are our own publications for which the electronic copies of these materials are accessible from the links provided below.
facebook/mms-tts-dzo - Hugging Face
This repository contains the Dzongkha (dzo) language text-to-speech (TTS) model checkpoint. This model is part of Facebook's Massively Multilingual Speech project, aiming to provide speech technology across a diverse range of languages.
Dzongkha and English - LING073
Resources for machine translation between Dzongkha and English. Find our dzo-eng machine translation repo here. Find our dzo morphological transducer repo here. Fine apertium-eng repo here. Find our dzo-eng corpus here. Intended English Translation: The cat is in the box.
东正光学 | 关于我们 | DZOPTICS-光学及光电技术企业
深圳市东正光学技术股份有限公司 (DZO) 总部位于广东省深圳市,是聚焦于“成像技术应用探索、创新”,致力于"平台多元化、业务全球化"为企业经营目标的国家级高新技术企业、国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业,并参与多项国家级光学技术相关工程项目。 公司历经十余年技术革新和市场开拓,已逐步形成以机器视觉成像(工业镜头—DZOPTICS)、影视传媒(DZOFILM)、消费光学 (Thypoch) 为主要业务领域。 在全球范围内,东正光学的产品和服务已遍及30多个国家和地 …
Dzongkha - LING073 - Swarthmore College
Dissertation by Stephen A Watters (2018) - Grammar of Dzongkha (dzo): phonology, words, and simple clauses; George Van Duren (2017) - Morphosyntax of Himalayan Languages; Dhungyel and Grundspenkis (2017) - Analysing the Methods of Dzongkha Word Segmentation
Dzongkha and English/Contrastive Grammar - LING073
dzo-eng tests Adding Locative Suffixes to Nouns. Context-sensitive addition of words: (dzo) སྒྲོམ་ནང་ → (eng) in the box (dzo) སྒྲོམ་<n><loc> → (eng) in<pr> the<det><def> box<n><sg> (dzo) དུས་ཚོད་ཁར་ → (eng) on time (dzo) དུས་ཚོད་<n><loc> → (eng) on<pr> time<n><sg>
Dzongkha - Open Library
2008年4月4日 · Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free.
Dzo - Wikipedia
A dzo (Standard Tibetan: མཛོ་, romanized: mdzo) is a hybrid between the yak and domestic cattle. The word dzo technically refers to a male hybrid, while a female is known as a dzomo or zhom .
Soft Copies of Textbooks – Department of School Education
2020年4月5日 · Textbooks, teacher’s guides and other teaching and learning materials published by Royal Education Council are now available for download from our website. The soft copies are purposely provided to facilitate teachers and parents to …
Language code: dzo
The table below provides technical details for the Dzongkha language, designated by the dzo code from the ISO 639-2 standard.