E-Girls - Reddit
E-girl nerdy theme Posts needs to fit the theme of the sub. girls and cute nerdyness :) There needs to be something relating to pop culture such as anime, gaming, cartoons in the post. Egirl aesthetics such as collars, chokers, alt hair color, cat ears, cosplay, clothing, lighting RGB stuff …
人们专门弄了一个自然对数函数的底数 e,是为什么? - 知乎
e是一个重要的常数,但是它的直观含义却不像π那么明了。 我们都知道,圆的周长与直径之比是一个常数,这个常数被称为圆周率,记作π=3.14159…,可是如果我问你,e代表了什么,你能回答吗?
Outlier AI - alguem ja trabalhou? : r/portugal - Reddit
2024年6月11日 · Comunidade para discussão do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), bem como para assuntos adjacentes, como redação, ciências da natureza, matemática, linguagens, cursos universitários, faculdades e técnicas de estudo.
What is irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex : r/PowerShell - Reddit
PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models.
Am I the Asshole? - Reddit
In your top level comment be sure to include one abbreviation for your judgment, i.e. YTA = You're the Asshole. YWBTA = You Would Be the Asshole. NTA = Not the Asshole (and the other person is) YWNBTA = You Would Not be the Asshole (and the other person would) ESH = Everyone Sucks here. NAH = No Assholes here. INFO = Not Enough Info
ITX、M-ATX、ATX、E-ATX 机箱有什么区别?装机有必要买很贵的 …
itx、m-atx、atx、e-atx 机箱的区别主要是尺寸大小和扩展性能的不同,它们的外形大小恰好是按照这个顺序递增的,也就是从小到大排列。 一般来说,ITX机箱是最小的,就是常说的超小型机箱,适合组建超mini电脑。
GTA Online - Reddit
Expanded and Enhanced (E&E) Edition of GTA Online. E&E/Next-Gen GTA Online Combined General Information, Transfer Info, and FAQ Thread by /u/PapaXan. List of Supported Features in E&E per Platform by /u/PapaXan. How to Get Started in GTA Online Using Career Builder - Beginner's Money Making Guide by /u/LogOfOne. Career Builder Guide by /u/LogOfOne
/r/Memes the original since 2008 - Reddit
Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
Como vocês baixam jogos Pirata sem malware? : r/gamesEcultura
E também você está falando do 1337, mas recentemente teve todo o drama de um upload de Baldur's Gate 3 ter malware lá, de um perfil vip verificado, e os adms do site não quiseram deletar por um bom tempo, então sua recomendação não tá lá essas coisas também, assim como o dos outros comentários por aqui.
Where do you people find ebooks there days? : r/Piracy - Reddit
Posted by u/EthanColeK - 579 votes and 220 comments