International bra size conversion table - MS Pomelo
Ever wondered about your bra size equivalent in France or the US? Or are you an Australian shopping for bras in the UK? Here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.
胸围尺码表 - 在线工具大全
上胸围与下胸围之差 AA :7.5cm, A:10cm, B:12.5cm, C:15cm, D:17.5cm, E:20cm, F:22.5cm 。 结合下胸围大小与罩杯的大小,即可准确测量胸围尺码。
Size Chart & Bra Size Converter | Triumph Lingerie
Use our international size chart to help convert any underwear sizes into your desired size. Using your clothing size, under-bust measurement, cup size and our bra size converter will help you find the right bra size or discover your bra sister sizes!
E Cup Bra | Classic Shapewear
Plus size bras in cup E. Hundreds of bras to choose from in cup size E and higher. Find your best fitting bra right here.
內衣及胸圍尺寸對照表 - 罩杯Cup Size計算方法 | 黛安芬香港
A、B、C、D、E等罩杯多大?使用黛安芬胸圍內衣尺寸對照表,快速換算出你正確的胸圍Cup Size,找出最合你身的胸圍!
85E Bras - my.triumph.com
We believe that every woman deserves to have a perfectly fitting bra. No digging in. No slipping. straps. No leaving marks. Just pure comfort. Visit one of our expert bra fitters in-store or use our online fitting guide to discover your perfect fit now.
罩杯尺寸计算与换算大全 (罩杯计算与换算器) --e器时代
可以根据上胸围及下胸围尺寸计算罩杯型号,并可实现不同国家包括美国、加拿大、中国、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧洲、日本、法国、英国、意大利等国家罩杯尺码的转换。 2.日本的罩杯尺码标识是"杯深 (字母)"+"下胸围 (厘米)",所以如70A应该是A70. 可以根据上胸围及下胸围尺寸计算罩杯型号,并可实现不同国家包括美国、加拿大、中国、澳大利亚、新西兰、欧洲、日本、法国、英国、意大利等国家罩杯尺码的转换。
MIRO為你提供胸圍尺寸表,簡易三步找出最適合你的胸圍尺寸,讓你在網購胸圍的時候也能以胸圍對照表作更準確的參考。 一般在查看胸圍尺寸的時候,它們會以數字與英文的組合出現,你知道它們代表什麼嗎? 其實胸圍尺寸的解讀非常簡單——數字代表的是下胸圍尺寸,而英文則是代表罩杯尺寸。 那麼我們該如何量度出自己的罩杯大小與胸圍尺寸呢? 以赤裸狀態量度上胸圍需要將身體向前傾90°,並使用軟尺環繞乳尖一周,得出上胸圍尺寸。 站直後以軟尺緊貼乳房底部,並 …
International Size Conversion Table – Swansumo
Need to figure out your size but can't see your country listed? No problem, here is our international bra size conversion table to help you with different size systems.
Anni Mesh bra cappucino, 85B - erlich textil
Our mesh bra Anni impresses with a cool look and maximum comfort! The three-piece cups, the wide, adjustable straps and the three-stage bra fastening allow for a perfect fit and easy on and off. The wide underbust band lies comfortably on the skin and pr