EM-2 rifle - Wikipedia
The EM-2, also known as Rifle, No.9, Mk.1 or Janson rifle, was a British assault rifle. It was briefly adopted by British forces in 1951, but the decision was overturned very shortly thereafter by …
EM2步枪 - 百度百科
EM2是英国人在战后对小口径化的一个实验品。 在EM2以前还有EM1,均为无托结构。 EM2首次将 光学瞄准镜 代替了 机械瞄准具 作为步枪的标准瞄具,并且首次采用了提把。 该枪的设计 …
EM-2突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
EM-2,也被称为“No.9 Mk 1步枪”(Rifle No.9 Mk1)或“詹森步枪”(Janson Rifle)是一款实验性质的英国制 突击步枪。 该枪曾于1951年获英军短暂采用,但在装备该枪不久后英国政府却为了 …
英国轻武器的绝唱 EM-2自动步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
EM-2自动步枪,全写为Experimental Model 2 (中文直译为“实验二型”步枪),由波兰裔英国工程师斯特凡·詹森于1948年设计。 在这个年代,世界主要大国的步兵武器除了美国全面列装的加兰 …
质能方程 - 百度百科
质能方程E=mc²,E表示能量,m代表质量,而c则表示光速(常量,c=299792458m/s)。 由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦提出。 该方程主要用来解释核变反应中的质量亏损和计算高能物理中粒子的能 …
British EM-2 - Forgotten Weapons
The EM-2 was the result of a British research and development program looking for a replacement for the venerable Lee Enfield rifle after WWII. As with just about every other …
Shooting the EM-2 in .280 British - YouTube
2017年7月13日 · The .280 cartridge is less powerful than the 7.62mm NATO, but in my opinion the EM-2 remains a rifle much better used in semiauto than full auto. In semiauto I feel that it …
Spivak pronoun - Wikipedia
In May 1991, a MOO programmer, Roger Crew, added "spivak" as a gender setting for players on LambdaMOO, causing the game to refer to such players with the pronouns e, em, eir, eirs, …
E/Em | Pronoun Wiki | Fandom
E/em neopronouns is a gender neutral pronoun set that can be used by anyone regardless of gender identity and expression. It was made in response to the thon set, and was derived from …
British EM-2 rifle - YouTube
2012年7月16日 · I offer our Facebook fans the choice of which video they would like to see today, and the result was overwhelmingly the British EM2 rifle. These were made in both .280/30 and …
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