亿航智能 EHang | 智慧城市管理 - 亿航216(消防版)
在亿航智能指挥调度系统下,可实现多台亿航216F联动作业,第一时间飞抵现场,根据实时火情变化,执行不同任务,快速扑灭大火。 基于智慧城市管理的亿航联网无人机,专为行业应用打造,可为企业提供专业的定制化无人机解决方案。 共轴双桨的冗余设计加大安全性,具备自动返航、紧急悬停、一键起飞降落等功能,通过PC软件即可实现航线规划。 拥有高适应性和扩展性,可扩展多种任务负载,满足不同应用场景的需求。
Ehang 216 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle (AAV) - Airport …
Ehang 216 is an electrical vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) autonomous aerial vehicle (AAV) designed to address the urban transport needs by providing on-demand air taxi services. The AAV is developed by Chinese autonomous aircraft developer Ehang, which entered a partnership with Austria-based aeronautical systems manufacturer FACC in ...
EHang | Smart City Management - EHang 216F
EHang 216F (Firefighting Model) Best Solution for Urban High-rise Firefighting Large Payload | Quick Response | Centralized Management | Intelligent Management
EHang 216 Specs, Cockpit, Speed, and Price
EHang 216 Specs, Cockpit, Speed, and Price – EHang 216 is an electric autonomous aerial vehicle (AAV) with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) designed by the EHang Company, China. This electric helicopter was developed to meet the needs of urban transportation by providing air taxi services on demand and entering into partnerships with ...
EHang EH216-S (production model)
2020年3月3日 · The EH216-S is a two passenger eVTOL multicopter production model aircraft made for advanced air mobility (AAM). The cruise speed of the aircraft is 100 km/h (62 mph), has a maximum speed of 130 km/h (81 mph) and has a maximum altitude of 3,000 m (9,843 ft). The range of the EHang 216 is 35 km (22 miles) and has a flight time of 21 minutes.
EHang | EHang’s Certified EH216-S Pilotless Passenger-Carrying …
EHang has obtained the world’s first type certificate for unmanned eVTOL aircraft from the Civil Aviation Administration of China in 2023. As the forerunner of cutting-edge UAV technologies and commercial solutions in the global UAM industry, EHang continues to explore the boundaries of the sky to make flying technologies benefit our life in ...
EH216-S - 百度百科
亿航EH216-S是目前全球唯一一架集齐生产许可证(PC)、型号合格证(TC)、标准适航证(AC)的eVTOL,仅需获得运营合格证(OC)即可正式投入商业化运营。 [22] 2024年3月18日,全球首个获得适航认证的国产自主研发的“空中的士”亿航EH216-S无人驾驶载人航空器在某电商平台上线,标价每一架239万元,已经完成适航取证,并在全球开展商业化试运行。 [2] 4月7日, 中国民用航空局 在广州为亿航智能EH216-S无人驾驶载人航空器系统颁发 生产许可证。 [4] 6 …
EHang | 亿航216自动驾驶飞行器完成在首都北京的首次飞行
截至2021年2月23日,亿航216已在8个国家42座城市完成超过一万次安全飞行,包括载人飞行。 亿航智能一直以来与监管机构紧密合作,致力于填补空中交通领域法律法规与行业标准的空白。
EHang | 中国民航局正式发布《亿航EH216-S型无人驾驶航空器系 …
《专用条件》为亿航智能EH216-S型无人驾驶航空器系统的合规性和安全性提供依据,具体涵盖飞行性能、结构、设计与构造、动力装置、系统和设备、数据链路以及地面控制站等方面。 公司预期EH216-S型无人驾驶航空器将在低空空域飞行,主要用于城市空中交通(UAM)环境的商业载客运行。 *EH216- S是指EH216系列中应用于载人交通的标准版飞行器型号,区别于EH216F(消防版)和EH216L(物流版)。 *** 关于亿航智能. 亿航智能(Nasdaq: EH)是一家全球领先的智 …
EHang 216 eVTOL Aircraft Review and Specifications
2020年5月5日 · aircraftconcept.com – EHang 216 is an electrical autonomous aerial vehicle (AAV) with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) designed by the EHang Company, China. This electric helicopter was developed to satisfy the requirements of urban transportation by providing air taxi services on demand and getting into partnerships with Austrian-based ...
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