HOWL中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
howl的发音是什么? HOWL翻译:人/动物, (狼、狗)长嚎,嗥叫, (通常因痛苦、悲伤或其他强烈情感而)号叫,哀号, 风, (风)呼啸, 号叫声;喊叫声;呼啸声, 感情迸发;怒吼,愤怒的表示。 了解更多。
哈尔的移动城堡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《霍爾的移動城堡》 (日语: ハウルの動く城 ) ,是一部由吉卜力工作室製作,宫崎骏執導,於2004年11月20日首映的日本 動畫電影,故事改編自英國 奇幻文學作家戴安娜·韋恩·瓊斯在1986年的著作《魔幻城堡》(Howl's Moving Castle)。
growl, bark, howl, roar. 这些动词均含狗等的"吠,叫"之意。 growl : 指被激怒的狗发出低长的咆哮声,以示威胁。用于人时,指咆哮着喊叫,怒冲冲地发牢骚。 bark : 指发出刺耳的汪汪声,系典型的狗吠。 howl : 指声音响亮,拖得很长,如哀愁的哭声。用于人时,指 ...
Howl's Moving Castle Returns to Studio Ghibli Official Store With …
4 小时之前 · Calcifer, the feisty fire demon from 2004's Howl's Moving Castle anime, is one of Studio Ghibli's most beloved side characters. As a special treat for Calcifer fans, official online store Donguri Sora has replenished its stock of popular …
Howl (2025 film) - Wikipedia
Howl is a 2025 Australian short drama film written and directed by Domini Marshall. The film follows Daisy and Lila, who are best friends. The film follows Daisy and Lila, who are best friends. At a suburban house party, shifting desires and tough choices force them to reconsider their place in the world and what they mean to each other.
O Castelo Animado - GitHub Pages
O castelo animado é um longa animado do diretor Hayao Miyazaki que retrata a história de Sophie, uma garota que é transformada em uma mulher de 90 anos pela maldição de uma bruxa, e Howl (Uivo), um lindo feiticeiro que está envolvido em meio a uma guerra com o país vizinho.
Howl - IMDb
Howl: Directed by E. Elias Merhige. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Aksel Hennie, Trond Fausa, Andrew Simpson. A family dog left at home during an extreme winter after his owners die in a car crash. It goes through a rollercoaster survival ride, eventually meeting an orphaned wolf-cub with whom he learns to cooperate and collaborate.
(@e_howl_) • Instagram photos and videos
135 Followers, 138 Following, 172 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from (@e_howl_)
howl - 英中 – Linguee词典
这样的猫咪进入家庭恢复会让猫咪感到异常的紧张,也给志愿者带来很大的麻烦,如整夜嚎 叫,甚至还会有攻击行为。 大量翻译例句关于"howl" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
E. Elias Merhige’s Howl Starts Filming in Calgary in January 2025
2024年6月12日 · E. Elias Merhige is finally returning to a feature film set after a 20-year-long hiatus! Merhige’s upcoming movie, ‘Howl,’ will commence filming in Calgary, Alberta, on January 27 and conclude on February 28, 2025. Renowned environmental activists Leonardo DiCaprio and Jane Goodall serve as executive producers.
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