E-Type (musician) - Wikipedia
Bo Martin Erik Erikson (born 27 August 1965), better known by his stage name E-Type, is a Swedish Eurodance musician, songwriter and record producer. [1] His professional name is based on the Jaguar E-Type sports car.
Jaguar E-Type - Wikipedia
The Jaguar E-Type, or the Jaguar XK-E for the North American market, is a British front mid-engined sports car that was manufactured by Jaguar Cars Ltd from 1961 to 1974. Its combination of exceptional aesthetics, advanced technologies, high performance, and competitive pricing established the model as an icon of the motoring world.
E-Type - This Is The Way - YouTube
Click here to stream and download more music from E-Type: https://lnk.to/E-Type#EType #SetTheWorldOnFire #NanaHedin #vevo
捷豹E-Type - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
捷豹E-Type (英語: Jaguar E-Type)是 捷豹汽車 在1961年至1974年間生產的一款 跑車。 恩佐·法拉利 曾讚嘆此車為「有史以來最漂亮的汽車」(the most beautiful car ever made) [4]。 此車曾出現於1997年電影《王牌大賤諜》和2011年電影《極速秒殺》之中 [5][6]。 ^ Jaguar E-type Lightweight revealed. Evo. (原始内容 存档 于15 August 2014). ^ Loughborough graduate honoured. Lboro.ac.uk. 15 July 2010 [4 March 2011]. (原始内容 存档 于25 November 2010).
E-type – Wikipedia
E-type är känd för sina spektakulära scenshower som kännetecknas av stora mängder pyroteknik, rök och konfetti. Han är även inblandad i det metal -orienterade projektet Dampf. Martin "E-type" Eriksons musikkarriär började tidigt.
捷豹E-TYPE - 百度百科
捷豹e-type是它的赛车前辈在公路上的延伸,正是c-type和d-type为它提供了造型的基本线索,赋予其诸如单体式车身结构、盘式刹车等当时极为尖端的造车科技,配合265马力的3.8升直列6缸发动机,最高时速可达240公里,仅需7.1秒就可从静止加速到96公里,比 法拉利gto ...
Jaguar E-type简史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Jaguar E-type 1961款 捷豹 E-Type Series I [850003] (图为经典的首台量产E-Type,也是现存最老的E-Type,底盘号#850003) Few cars have created a bigger shockwave in the automotive industry than Jaguar's E-Type at its 1961 Geneva Show debut. Its styling was quite a departure from Jaguar's previous sportscar range with the ...
E-Type - YouTube Music
Bo Martin Erik Erikson, better known by his stage name E-Type, is a Swedish Eurodance musician, songwriter and record producer. His professional name is based on the Jaguar E-Type sports car.
E-type - official website
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捷豹E-type集美观造型、强大性能和颇具竞争力的售价于一身,成为20世纪60年代汽车市场上的标志性力作。 在整个生命周期,E-type车型的累计销量突破七万辆,为捷豹品牌带来重大成功。