E-3PO | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO units were a subset of the 3PO-series protocol droid line. Developed for Imperial use, E-3POs possessed the TechSpan I propriety module, which allowed them to interface with a wide variety of networks employed by the Galactic Empire.
E-3PO (Bespin) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO [7] was a silver [6] 3PO-series protocol droid [2] with yellow photoreceptors who was present in Cloud City, a tibanna gas mining colony that floated in the Life Zone of the planet Bespin, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. [6]
E-3PO: The Rude Protocol Droid - The Imperial Talker
2020年1月14日 · The moment in The Empire Strikes Back is brief but memorable, a short exchange between protocol droids. Having just landed on Cloud City, and meeting Lando Calrissian for the first time, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO follow Calrissian through the halls of the atmospheric metropolis.
E-3PO - Databank - 星球大战中文网 Star Wars China - Powered …
2009年4月3日 · Most E-3POs looked down on their fellow droids, particularly civilian-issue models with obvious after-market additions intended to stave off obsolescence. E-3PO是礼仪机器人中的特殊型号,生产于银河内战时期。 其内部组件“TechSpan I”协议模块,能让E-3PO和帝国网络相连。 最重要的是,E-3PO能通过该模块接触到帝国转包商提供的技术,因为此类技术往往十分罕见,而且不会被记录在案。 由于产量低、费用高,E-3PO逐渐意识到了自己的特殊地位。 随着 …
E-3PO - スター・ウォーズの鉄人!
E-3PO ユニットは、 3POシリーズ・プロトコル・ドロイド の1機種である。 帝国仕様に開発されたE-3POは、 銀河帝国 で使用されている広範囲のネットワークと相互接続可能な テクスパンI 儀礼モジュールを装備していた。
E-3PO - Lego Star Wars Wiki
E-3PO was a 3PO droid, part of the 3PO series Protocol droids manufactured by Cybot Galactica. E-3PO worked at Cloud City, leading C-3PO into a room full of Storm Troopers where C-3PO was blasted apart.
E-3PO | Droids Wiki | Fandom
E-3PO was a protocol droid that was owned by the HumanKorlana Toryn. During the Clone Wars, Toryn was sent into hiding on the moon Nar Shaddaa by her father, Senator Jasso Toryn, and E-3PO accompanied her to the world.
E-3PO - Star Wars Canon Extended Wikia
E-3PO was a silver 3PO protocol droid who was present in in Cloud City, a tibanna gas mining colony that floated in the Life Zone of the planet Bespin, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. After exiting a room of Imperial Storm Troopers, it was greeted …
E-3PO | Jedipedia | Fandom
E-3PO war ein Protokolldroide der 3PO-Serie, der dem Galaktischen Imperium diente. Nachdem der Kopfgeldjäger Boba Fett den Millenium Falken bis in die Wolkenstadt auf Bespin verfolgt hatte, informierte er die imperiale Flotte, die kurz darauf Einheiten entsandte, um Luke Skywalker eine Falle zu stellen.
E-3PO (Bespin) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO was an E-3PO protocol droid in the service of the Galactic Empire. Attached to Death Squadron, E-3PO was transported to Cloud City in 3 ABY to serve as translator liaison with the colony's Ugnaught engineers during the hunt for Luke Skywalker. [3]