Discover, analyze and download data from GRIPHubsite. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.
Grid Map - ENTSO-E
Network elements are not located at their exact geographic location. The map shows existing elements and those under construction: power plants, converters, substations and high-voltage cables/lines. PDF maps are available on our Grid Map downloads page
自动驾驶Mapping-占位栅格图(Occupancy Grid Map) - 知乎
前面文章《 自动驾驶运动规划(Motion Planning)》中提到可以使用占位图(Occupancy Grid Map)表示自动驾驶行驶区域的哪些区域被障碍物(如静止的车辆、路中间的石墩子、树木、路肩等)占用,Motion Planning模块会通…
占据栅格地图(Occupancy Grid Map) - 知乎专栏
在机器人领域,尺度地图常用于定位于 地图构建(Mapping) 、定位(Localization)和同时定位与地图构建(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping,SLAM),拓扑地图常用于路径规划(Path Planning),而语义地图常用于人机交互(Human Robot Interaction)。 这节课我们将介绍如何用机器人传感器数据绘制尺度地图。 这有什么难点呢? 首先也是最重要的一点,传感器数据有噪音。 用激光传感器检测前方障碍物距离机器人多远,不可能检测到一个准确的数值。 …
Distributed Resource Planning (DRP) Data & Maps - PG&E
The map includes hosting capacity, forecast data, grid needs, and other information about PG&E's electric distribution grid. The information on these maps is illustrative and is likely to change or be modified over time.
路径规划 (一) —— 环境描述 (Grid Map & Feature Map) & 全局路 …
2020年10月25日 · 这两种map的方法实际上是互补的,一般来讲:我们会维护两种地图,用grip map和feature map来相互映射 Grid Map. 有地方也叫configuration space. grid map就是比较直观,把所有障碍物表示成黑色的pixel,可通行区域就是白色. 但在比赛中是会有一些加成区域和惩罚 …
The Grid Resource Integration Portal provides access to the key data through (1) a map interface, (2) downloadable, tabular data, and (3) an API. The Grid Resource Integration Portal is built on an ESRI ArcGIS Hub platform, which supports major browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
GRIPHubsite - grip.pge.com
As such, PG&E is sharing a variety of information about via this via the Grid Resource Integration Portal. The data on the Portal is intended for planning for the electric distribution system. The data being released are PG&E's intellectual property.
占据栅格地图构建(Occupancy Grid Map) - 51CTO博客
2023年2月5日 · 为了解决这一问题,我们引入占据栅格地图(Occupancy Grid Map)的概念。我们将地图栅格化,对于每一个栅格的状态要么占用,要么空闲,要么未知(即初始化状态)。
GRIPHubsite - drpdataportal.pge.com
GRIP Data Portal HUB Site initiative For GRIP Map in Prod environment.
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