E14200 - SEMI E142 - Specification for Substrate Mapping
2.1 This version of the Specification applies to the substrate types: wafers, frames, strips, and trays. 2.2 This Specification addresses assembly and packaging including the testing of semiconductor devices. NOTICE: SEMI Standards and Safety Guidelines do not purport to address all safety issues associated with their use.
SEMI E-142 Wafer Map format - Artwork
2016年11月30日 · The SEMI E-142 map specification is quite powerful and flexible. That enables the format to serve many different purposes, but also makes it quite difficult to write a comprehensive and robust reader.
SEMI E142: Substrate Mapping - PEER Group
SEMI E142: Substrate Mapping. Describes how the factory host and equipment can exchange substrate map data through a standard SECS/GEM interface, using typical GEM event reports and SEMI E39 object requests (Stream 14 messages).
SEMI E142 Specification for Substrate Mapping | eInnoSys
The SEMI E142 specification outlines the data requirements for reporting, storing, and transmitting map data for substrates such as wafers, frames, strips, and trays. This specification plays a pivotal role in assembly, packaging, and testing, supporting high-precision processes throughout the lifecycle of semiconductor devices.
Traceability_and_Security_Across_the_Supply_Chain | SEMI
The SEMI E142 standard provides a data model to describe any electronic assembly or asset from a wafer, to a strip, to a multi-die package, to tape and reel for distribution and to the PCB or final system assembly.
SECS/GEM协议开发应用_semi e142-CSDN博客
2023年7月8日 · SEMI E142: Specification for Substrate Mapping(衬底映射规范) SEMI E142标准规定了衬底(substrate)映射的标准格式和内容。 它用于记录和追溯衬底上的芯片、层次结构和特征信息,以促进制造过程的控制和品质管理。
SEMI E142:2024 Specification for Substrate Mapping
2024年2月1日 · This Specification defines the data items that are required to report, store, and transmit map data for substrates such as Wafers, Frames, Strips, and Trays. Simple online access to standards, technical information and regulations. Critical updates of standards and customisable alerts and notifications.
E14200 - SEMI E142 - 基板マッピングの仕様
注意: semi e142.1, semi e142.2, および semi e142.3 の改訂を反映して, 0211 の出版サイクルにて, semi e142 の出版年月が改訂された。 ウェーハ,フレーム,ストリップ(短冊状下地),トレーなどの基板のマップデータを報告,保存,伝送する際に必要なデータ項目 ...
検査用マッピングシステム - E142 - BE Semiconductor Industries …
E142は、ウェハー、ストリップ、トレイなど多くの一般的な基板に、物理的世界の仮想マップのような表現を適用します。 スイスBesi社は、E142に基づくストリップマッピングをEsecダイボンダー2100に実装しました。 ストリップ識別 -100µmドットまでの2D DataMatrixの読み取りが可能。 -200µmバーまでのCODE39バーコードの読み取りが可能。 -推奨StripID位置前縁または後縁付近 -SEMI E142準拠のストリップマッピング構造 -E142.2 SECS II 準拠通信 -設定可能 …
Substrate mapping - Wikipedia
The latest and most potential standard is the E142 standard, provided by the SEMI organization. This standard has been approved via ballots for release in 2005. It supports many possible substrate maps, including the ones named above.