Map of E15 3ET postcode - doogal.co.uk
Map of E15 3ET postcode in Newham, England with local information, lat/long: 51.533625, 0.012636, grid reference: TQ396835
Plaistow Road, London, E15 3ET - detailed information - StreetScan
View information about Plaistow Road, London, E15 3ET postcode, including employment, safety, property prices, nearby schools, broadband, sport facilities, nearby restaurants and pubs.
Area Information for Plaistow Road, Newham, London, E15 3ET …
Plaistow Road in Newham is in the London region of England. The postcode is within the West Ham ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of West Ham and Beckton. This page combines information for the address Plaistow Road, Newham, London, E15 3ET, and the neighbourhood in which it resides.
Postcode E15 3ET
Postcode E15 3ET. Latitude and longitude. 51.533625, 0.012636 Important note: This location is sourced from ONS data and is intended for statistical purposes. It should not be used for navigation. Key areas. Country. E92000001 England. Region. E12000007 London. Local Authority. E09000025 Newham.
E15 3ET maps, stats, and open data - GetTheData
Find data about London postcode E15 3ET including maps, open data, schools, flood risk, crime stats.
House Prices in E15 3ET - Rightmove
2009年3月25日 · Explore Rightmove house prices to find out how much properties sold for in E15 3ET.
E15 3ET (London) postcode - demographic & neighbourhood report
E15 3ET postcode map for London, includes information & stats for areas around E153ET, demographics, local postal towns, crime rates, house prices nearby hotels
E15 3ET Info - Map, Properties, Schools, Census etc - Zestate
E15 3ET is a residential postcode in Newham, Greater London. E15 3ET postcode is currently an active postcode. You can use the postcode to send mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census, E15 3ET has 67 properties within its service area. E15 3ET is located in West Ham, Newham ...
147 Plaistow Road, London, Newham, Greater London, E15 3ET
147 Plaistow Road, London is a 5 bedroom terraced house spread over 1,249 square feet, making it one of the largest properties here - it is ranked as the 2nd most expensive property* in E15 3ET, with a valuation of £524,000. It last sold in 1999 for £92,000; since then, its value has increased by £432,000.
Street Map for Plaistow Road, E15 3ET
Local map for Plaistow Road, E15 3ET. Depending upon your area, you will find maps showing the extent of your local police force and neighbourhood, your council area, UK region, parliament constituency or clean air/traffic zones.
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