RIAA phono stage with E180F and ECC802S tubes - diyAudio
2024年12月26日 · I like your design and the sims look good (nice RIAA response etc). I have a few questions: What is your target gain at the 1kHz nominal mid-band frequency? What was the simulated input signal for each of the distortion sims? Could you re-post your sim circuit showing quiescent currents and voltages?
E180F Preamp | Page 2 - diyAudio
2011年10月12日 · If the preamp develops the correct RIAA response when fed from a voltage source, and has the correct 47k input impedance, then it is a matter for the cartridge manufacturer to ensure that his device works OK into this.
Tube phonostage RIAA design | Page 2 | GroupDIY Audio Forum
2017年10月20日 · Way too microphonic for anything else than line level signals usually. This is to be expected. High Gm means grids very close to cathode and therefore even the smallest movements become problematic. But there are differences for sure. The last high Gm tube I tested was E180f, and it was superb in line level use, so might actually be good for RIAA.
Tube RIAA MM phono preamplifier "tubeCOR" e180f/6j9p and …
2024年2月4日 · New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. See the seller's listing for full details.
2016年4月16日 · 也就是说,E180F的负偏压0.8V,CD机的信号必须先经过音量电位器衰减才能输入过来,不然会出现正偏了,实测单边峰值0.5V以下可以满功率输出了,所以不会接近0偏压,4欧端电压增益16倍左右,8欧端增益23倍左右。 肉眼观察不出失真的功率为7W左右。 输出牛96铁芯叠厚50,非常普通的绕法,外表只能看到2根跳线,可能分段非常少。 30-20K的频率范围内,前级输出标准参考点为1K频率10V输出电压,牛输出标准参考点为1K频率1V电压,用的仪器为 …
老雷,看看E180F的唱放RIAA曲线图 - 雷氏胆机 - 江浙沪及西南华 …
2024年9月16日 · 胆艺轩音响材料网 » 江浙沪及西南华北地区 » 雷氏胆机 » 老雷,看看E180F的唱放RIAA曲线图 ‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ››
DIY制作E180F+KT88 SE功率放大器_高级Hi-Fi_Hao4K
2021年7月17日 · 本机的电源高压330V,250mA单组,用胆5U4GY和半导体二极管组成桥式整流,高效率、简化绕线程序,再经一个10H/200mA电感供给6550屏极,独立的三组灯丝绕组,分别为E180F,6550 .5u4gy供电。 帘栅极,和推动部分采用一个15H100mA厄流圈,OC3加150K电阻垫高电压组成简单的稳压供电,为了电源充足,预留了很大功率的空间,一度的强迫症使得本机用上了分体设计,机壳面板处都看不见一个螺丝,如果现在要掏钱买机壳也不会如此大手笔的花 …
E180F Preamp | Page 3 - diyAudio
I was planning on using the preamp for various sources, Is this design specifically for RIAA stages or could I use it for CD as well? Could some explain to me how I should measure the resistance from the source (CD player) output and the input on the power amp (Pete Millett’s DCPP)?
6688(E180F)×4 CR型RIAAイコライザーアンプその3 - gooブログ
2016年12月19日 · この回路で少し変わってるのは、前段に電流帰還を採用したのと、後段のグリッドリーク抵抗の挿入場所です。 6688 (E180F)×4CR型RIAAイコライザーアンプその3.
E180F, E280F, E282F, E810F, D3a, EL/PL802, E55L,...
2002年1月7日 · E180F, E280F, E282F, E810F, D3a, EL/PL802, E55L,... all of those are a much better bet than an 6AC7. the valve for the top position in a mu-follower. I mainly use …