EAM User Guide - E3SM
EAM User Guide. This User Guide describes how to set up and run EAM. Steps to build and run EAM. EAM is not available as a standalone model. Instead, EAM can be run in an atmosphere-only configuration. The difference when running in atmosphere-only mode (without an interactive ocean or sea-ice) would be to change the compset and grid.
Home Page - E3SM - Energy Exascale Earth System Model
E3SM is a fully coupled, state-of-the-science Earth system model. The User's Guide with step-by-step instruction on how to run E3SM model and documentation on the coupled system, its components >> E3SM Documentation
Introduction - E3SM
The E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM) EAM is the state-of-the-art atmospheric component of the E3SM model that uses a Spectral Element Dynamical Core and a suite of parameterizations to represent a range of atmospheric processes, which are described in …
New Physgrid and Dycore Methods Speed Up EAM by 2x - E3SM
2020年5月16日 · This article outlines recent efforts to improve the computational performance of the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM). The E3SM Atmosphere Model consists of the High-Order Methods Modeling Environment (HOMME) Spectral Element dynamical core (dycore) and the EAM physics and chemistry parameterizations.
EAM Technical Guide - E3SM
EAM Technical Guide. This Technical Guide describes the physics of version 3 of the E3SM Atmospheric Model. Dynamics and Physics. HOMME: Dynamical core. Atmospheric-Grid: Grid used with dynamical core. P3: Stratiform cloud microphysics scheme. CLUBB: Parameterization of subgrid-scale turbulence and clouds. Zhang-McFarlane: Deep convection ...
Exascale Performance of the Simple Cloud Resolving E3SM …
2023年2月28日 · Achieving 1 SYPD on an Exascale machine represents a breakthrough capability that has been a longstanding E3SM goal. The E3SM Atmosphere Model in C++ (EAM xx): This performance was made possible by years of work developing the EAMxx code base used by SCREAMv1.
Predicted Particle Properties - E3SM
The current version in E3SM is a two-moment scheme with a single ice category (Morrison & Milbrandt, 2015). 1 In addition to the total ice number and mass mixing ratios, P3 prognoses the rimed mass and rimed volume mixing ratios, which allows for the prediction of the continuous evolution of the rime fraction and particle density.
E3SMv2 Performance Highlighted at AGU Session - E3SM - Energy …
2022年2月22日 · Two new methods in the E3SM Atmosphere Model version 2 (EAMv2) increase the computational efficiency of EAM by a factor of approximately two in multiple configurations and on multiple platforms.
Aerosol Properties - E3SM
Aerosols in the E3SM Version 1: New Developments and Their Impacts on Radiative Forcing. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(1):e2019MS001851, January 2020. URL: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2019MS001851 (visited on 2024-03-29), doi:10.1029/2019MS001851. ↩
Namelist Parameters - E3SM
This namelist controls the default linear orographic gravity wave drag (oGWD) for E3SM, if used, the default oGWD is turned on. true: do_tms: This namelist controls the default Turbulent Mountain Stress (TMS) for E3SM, if used, the default TMS is turned on. false: effgw_oro: Efficiency associated with orographic gravity waves. 0.375: tms_orocnst
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