GMD - Evaluation of the interactive stratospheric ozone (O3v2) …
2021年3月5日 · With O3v2 the E3SM model is able to diagnose the STE ozone flux (Tg O 3 per year), which is a key budget term for tropospheric O 3. We can place constraints on the global mean ozone flux based on proxy relationships with other trace gases, and this approach gives us a broad range of 400–600 Tg O 3 yr −1 (Murphy and Fahey, 1994; McLinden et ...
Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) - GitHub
E3SM is a state-of-the-art fully coupled model of the Earth's climate including important biogeochemical and cryospheric processes. It is intended to address the most challenging and demanding climate-change research problems and Department of Energy mission needs while efficiently using DOE Leadership Computing Facilities.
(PDF) Evaluation of the interactive stratospheric ozone (O3v2) …
2021年3月5日 · Here, we evaluate key features in ozone abundance and other closely related quantities in atmosphere-only E3SMv1 simulations driven by observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs, years 1990–2014),...
Evaluation of a new interactive stratospheric ozone model for the ...
2020年12月8日 · Here we introduce a new O3v2 scheme to replace the prescribed tropospheric ozone in the E3SMv1 O3v1 scheme. With the O3v2 scheme, the ozone tendencies are better simulated around the tropopause, preserving the naturally …
Evaluation of the interactive stratospheric ozone (O3v2) module in …
The new O3v2 module extends seamlessly into the troposphere and preserves the naturally sharp cross-tropopause gradient, with 20 %–40 % less ozone in this region. Additionally, O3v2 enables the diagnosis of stratosphere–troposphere exchange flux of ozone, a …
new O3v2 module extends seamlessly into the troposphere and preserves the naturally sharp cross-tropopause gradi-ent, with 20%–40% less ozone in this region. Additionally, O3v2 enables the diagnosis of stratosphere–troposphere ex-change flux of ozone, a key budget term lacking in E3SMv1. Here, we evaluate key features in ozone abundance ...
[PDF] Evaluation of the interactive stratospheric ozone (O3v2 …
The new O3v2 module extends seamlessly into the troposphere and preserves the naturally sharp cross-tropopause gradient, with 20-40% less ozone in this region. Additionally, O3v2 enables the diagnosis of stratosphere-troposphere exchange flux of …
(PDF) Evaluation of the interactive stratospheric ozone (O3v2 module ...
2020年9月18日 · With O3v2 the E3SM model is able to diagnose the STE ozone flux (TgO 3 per yr), which is a key budget term for tropospheric O 3 . We can place constraints on the global mean ozone flux based on
The DOE E3SM Model Version 2: Overview of the Physical Model …
2022年10月31日 · In EAMv2, we implemented the O3v2 model (Tang et al., 2021) to overcome the limitations in the O3v1 model by replacing the prescribed ozone data with a passive ozone tracer in the troposphere. Ozone is transported from the stratosphere into the troposphere and decays within the lowest four model layers (below 1 km) with a 48 hr e-folding to 30 ...
uncertain climate impact and thus, here, we implement an improved O3v2 ozone module in E3SMv1 and perform a more comprehensive evaluation of the ozone simulation, comparing with satellite 15 observations and with the UCI CTM running the same O3v2 chemistry. O3v2 also enables ready diagnostics of stratosphere-troposphere exchange flux of ozone.