ASTM E4-2021(中) - 道客巴巴
ASTM E4-2021试验机的力校准与验证标准规程Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verificationof Testing Machines 成功点赞+1 全文阅读已结束,下载本文需要使用
ASTM E4-2021 试验机的力校准与验证标准规程 中文版
2022年7月19日 · ASTM E4-2021 试验机的力校准与验证标准规程Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verif i cation of Testing Machines 成功点赞+1 全文阅读已结束,下载本文需要使用
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E4; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
ASTM E4-21 译本 中文版 【后附英文官方原版 可复制可检索】
2024年7月21日 · 当前版本于 2021 年 6 月 1 日获得批准。 2021 年 8 月出版。 最初批准于1923 年。 上一版于 2020 年批准为 E4 - 20。 DOI: 10.1520/E0004-21.2 有关参考的 ASTM 标准,请访问 ASTM 网站 www.astm.org,或联系ASTM 客户服务部门 [email protected]。 有关《ASTM 标准年鉴》 卷册信息,请参阅 ASTM 网站上的 标准文件摘要页面。 3 可从 BIPM - Pavillon de Breteuil F-92312 Sèvres Cedex FRANCE 获取。
ASTM E4-2021 试验机的力校准与验证标准规程 中文版.pdf
2022年7月22日 · 规程e4中的计量要求通过限制测量不确定度的主要分量(比如对所用力标 准器、 分辨力、 重复性和测量准确度的要求)来从本质上考虑测量不确定度。
E4 Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verification of …
2024年9月24日 · The procedures in Practices E4 may be used to calibrate these testing machines so that the measured forces are traceable to the SI. A key element of traceability to the SI is that the force measurement standards used in the calibration have known force characteristics, and have been calibrated in accordance with Practice E74 .
Astm E4-2021 - PDFCOFFEE.COM
Force Calibration and Verification of Testing Machines1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation E4; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
astm e4-2021 试验机的力校准与验证标准规程 中文版_百度文库
ASTM E4-2021 试验机的力校准与验证标准是一种关于Biblioteka Baidu验机力校准的指南,它规定了如何通过使用标准砝码或其他可比较的测试方法来验证和校准试验机。
ASTM International - ASTM E4-21 - Standard Practices for Force ...
June 1, 2021 Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verification of Testing Machines 1.1 These practices cover procedures for the force calibration and verification, by means of force measurement standards, of tension or compression, or both, static or …
E4 - Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verification of ...
June 1, 2021 Standard Practices for Force Calibration and Verification of Testing Machines These practices cover procedures for the force calibration and verification, by means of force measurement standards, of tension or compression, or both, static or …