Erma Werke - Wikipedia
The Erfurter Maschinenfabrik (ERMA) was a German weapons manufacturer founded in 1922 by Berthold Geipel. Prior to and during World War II it manufactured many firearms, including the Karabiner 98k, the MP40 and other submachine guns.
ERMA E40W | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2023年7月25日 · This E40W is looking very similar to the SVW45 K98k, so it´s looking like a military rifle. That´s the reason why they started to produce the “more civilian” E50W. The stamp on the stock “BMVdg” (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung / Defense Department). This rifle was introduced as trainer for the army and „Bundesgrenzschutz“ (Border Police).
NRA Museums:
Erma Werke Waffenfabrik E40W Bolt Action Rifle During WWII, many German companies including Erma manufactured bolt-action training rifles that emulated the standard K98k German military rifle. SN 2022
Buy ERMA WERKE E40W 22 LONG RIFLE BOLT ACTION TRAINING RIFL HARD TO FIND: GunBroker is the largest seller of Bolt Action Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 1024535188 Advanced
Still More Guns! - NRA Museums:
Still More Guns! Alonzo D. Perry (Newark, NJ) Breechloading Percussion Sporting Rifle; Arisaka (Japan) Type 99 Bolt-Action Training Rifle; Beretta (Brescia, Italy) BM-59 Semi-Automatic Rifle; Brunswick (England) Percussion Rifle; C. Sharps Arms (Big Timber, MT) Model 1875 Falling Block Rifle; CETME Model 58 Semi-Automatic Rifle
ERMA-Werke 22lr Identification | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2020年12月28日 · It is a single shot, bolt action 22lr. I believe it is a previous model to the E60 but not certain. Any help in identifying the model would be great. Your Erma looks like one of the several manufactured 22 rimfire training rifles sold in Germany in the 1930's. Erma Werke was one of the manufacturers.
Erma E 40 W - E40W - Einzelladerbüchse - BMI Wehrsportgewehr …
Erma E 40 W - E40W - Einzelladerbüchse - BMI Wehrsportgewehr Hersteller: Erma Werke München-Dachau Modell: E 40 W Waffennummer: 168 Beschuss: kein Neubeschuss, Verkauf nur an Hä…
Erma E40W Bundeswehr München-Dachau E 40 W - Gunfinder
Hersteller/Typ Erma E40W Kaliber .22lr Einzellader Schaft gestempelt mit BMVtlg Z13 Produktsicherheitshinweise:Dieses Produkt wurde vor dem 13.12.2024 auf dem Marktplatz bereitgestellt. Für He... Jetzt verkaufen
Erma E40W, KK-Gewehr Bundeswehr - Gunfinder
Gut erhaltenes Trainingsgewehr der Bundeswehr Erma E40W im kaliber 22l.r. Spiegelblanker Lauf niedrige Seriennummer, Gewehr ist nummerngleich, Nummer auf System, Verschluß und Schaftkappe. Alle and...
The Advance and Dissolution of Erma Werke - Numrich Gun Parts
2020年1月29日 · It is estimated that between 1940 and 1945 Erma Werkes manufactured more than one million MP-40s for the German war effort. In February of 1945 Erma’s association with the Nazi war effort came to an abrupt end when more than one-hundred tons of bombs were dropped by the Allied Forces.