Seat Map - Embraer ERJ-145XR - United Airlines
View seat map for Embraer ERJ-145XR and learn about interior specifications such as size, entertainment, cabin availability, and more.
EMBRAER ERJ-145XR - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
A twin-engine regional jet produced by Embraer. An XR (e'''X'''tra-long '''R'''ange) version of the E145.
飛行空中巴士 Embraer ERJ145 (E145 E45X) 噴射器的航空公司
ERJ145是航空公司尋找成本效益高且高效率的短程飛機的熱門選擇。 它也是 ERJ 系列支線噴射機中最大的機型。 擁有空中巴士 Embraer ERJ145 (E145 E45X) 飛機的航空公司最新名單。 SeatMaps 上各種客艙佈局的連結.
使用 Embraer ERJ145 (E145 E45X) 喷气式飞机的航空公司
我们编制了一份使用Embraer ERJ145的航空公司的完整清单。 拥有 Embraer ERJ145 (E145 E45X) 飞机的航空公司最新名单。 SeatMaps 上各种机舱布局的链接.
ERJ145XR - Embraer
In response to market demand for non-stop flights, we developed the ERJ 145XR. An aircraft that delivers ERJ family commonality-based savings, but boasts an extended range of 2,000nm – helping operators to expand an existing network and benefit from new opportunities.
Airlines that fly the Embraer ERJ145 jets - SeatMaps
Check the list of airlines with Embraer ERJ145 (E145 E45X) aircraft. See the various seating charts on SeatMaps
SeatGuru Seat Map United
For your next United flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .
EMBRAER ERJ-145XR Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, …
Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the EMBRAER ERJ-145XR here.
United Airlines Embraer RJ145 ERJ (ERJ) Seat Map - SeatLink
The United Airlines Embraer RJ145 features 50 seats in a 1 cabin configuration. Economy has 50 seats in a 1-2 config; this is pretty standard for these aircraft. Legroom-wise, the Economy pitch of 79cm 31-38" is average, though of course what that means for you depends on how tall you are!
EMBRAER EMB-145XR - E45X L2J M/F - Doc8643
E45X: L2J: M/F: Technical Data. Wing Span (m) 20. Length (m) 27.9. Height (m) 6.7. MTOW (t) Fuel Capacity (ltr) 7400. Maximum Range (Nm) 2000. Persons On Board. Take Off Distance (m) 1720. Landing Distance (m) 1280. Absolute Ceiling (x100ft) 250. Optimum Ceiling (x100ft) 210. Maximum Speed (kts/M) 320. Optimum Speed (kts/M)