eBird - Discover a new world of birding...
eBird transforms your bird sightings into science and conservation. Plan trips, find birds, track your lists, explore range maps and bird migration—all free.
Explore - eBird
Maps, stats, photos, and sounds for any bird in the world, including personalized stats based on your eBirding. Surprise me! Explore interactive range maps by species or subspecies — zoom in for details. Discover the best places for birding nearby or around the world. Explore media through the Macaulay Library.
eBird - 百度百科
eBird:是一个鸟类的在线数据库,为科学家、研究人员和业余鸟类爱好者提供有关鸟类的分布和数量(包括目击、迁徙、数量等)的实时数据。 最初仅限于西半球的观测,2008年扩大到新西兰,2010年6月扩展到全球范围。 eBird被描述为招募业余爱好者收集生物多样性数据并用于科学使用的例子。 [1] eBird是一个大众外包的例子,被誉为科学民主化的典范,将公民视为专家,允许公众访问和使用他们自己的数据以及其他人生成的集体数据。 [1] 康奈尔大学 的鸟类学实验室和 …
Nakajima E4N - Wikipedia
The Nakajima E4N was a Japanese shipboard reconnaissance aircraft of the 1930s. It was a two-seat, single-engine, equal-span biplane seaplane used primarily by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The first prototype of the Type 90-2 Reconnaissance Seaplane, or E4N1, inspired by the Vought O2U Corsair, flew in 1930.
eBird - Wikipedia
eBird is an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance.
The eBird Database|鸟类观测数据集|生态研究数据集
2024年10月27日 · eBird数据库是一个全球性的鸟类观测数据集,由康奈尔鸟类学实验室和奥杜邦学会共同维护。 该数据集包含了全球各地的鸟类观测记录,包括鸟类种类、数量、观测地点、时间和观测者信息等。 eBird旨在通过收集和共享鸟类观测数据,促进鸟类保护和生态研究。 eBird数据库的构建基于全球范围内的鸟类观察数据,由众多鸟类爱好者、科学家和保护组织共同贡献。 数据收集过程包括使用标准化的观察记录表,详细记录鸟类的种类、数量、观察时间和地点等信息 …
China - eBird
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eBird Status and Trends - eBird Science
Explore abundance trends of select bird species where you live. eBird Trends maps reveal where birds are increasing or decreasing within a 27 x 27 km area since 2007. eBird Trends maps provide the most detailed picture of bird populations available, helping power new insights to reverse bird declines.
Nakajima E4N2 reconnaissance floatplane, military ... - Old Tokyo
"The Nakajima E4N was a Japanese shipboard reconnaissance aircraft of the 1930s that went through two very different designs before entering service with the Imperial Japanese Navy during the 1930s. "The Nakajima designs was influenced by the U.S. manufactured Vought O2U Corsair, a scout-observation biplane for which Nakajima
A Beginner’s Guide to Using eBird | Audubon
2022年10月7日 · For birders, eBird offers two main functions. You can explore a vast trove of data shared by other birders, helping you learn about species within a particular area and find new places to bird. And you can submit your observations to track your life list and keep memorable birding moments at your fingertips, wherever you go.