E5 blaster carbine | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The E5 blaster carbine, or E-5 blaster carbine, was a blaster carbine used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Clone Wars and later by criminal, paramilitary, or Rebel groups during the Galactic Civil War. It was shortened version of …
E-5 blaster rifle | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The E-5 blaster rifle was a basic, light, cheap, and fragile blaster rifle manufactured by Baktoid Armor Workshop. Being the the standard-issue armament of the Trade Federation and Separatist B1-Series battle droids, it was produced by the millions in the last decades of the Galactic Republic, in particular during the Clone Wars. An E-5 blaster.
E5 Blaster Carbine - Spark Of Rebellion Wikia
The E5 by Baktoid Armor Workshop is a carbine version of their venerable E-5 blaster rifle. Lighter and shorter than its full-sized cousin, the E5 was released in the beginning months of the Clone Wars and saw wide use among vehicle crews and special operatives of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Blaster Carbine - Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki
Blaster carbines are small-framed version of common blaster rifles, designed to deliver the power of a rifle in a smaller, easier-to-use package. More information about the weapon available on the Wookieepedia article. Models Include: BlasTech EE-3, BlasTech DC-15S, SoroSuub E-11 Carbine, Baktoid Armor Workshop E5 Carbine.
E5 Blaster Carbine - Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki
Millions of E5 blaster carbines litter the battlefields of the Clone Wars and are still salvaged today. More information about the weapon available on the Wookieepedia article. GMs may spend three threat results or a despair result to force the E5 to overheat and damage itself one step (as if struck by a weapon with the Sunder quality [3]). [1]
E5 Carbine - SWG Wiki
E5 Carbine is a type of carbine. E5 carbine on Wookieepedia
E-5 Blaster Rifle | The Clone Wars | Fandom
E-5 blaster rifles were the most frequently blasters used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and were wielded by almost all infantry droids, including BX-Series Droid Commandos, Tactical Droids and B1 Battle Droids. The E-5 had a relatively large Tibana gas firing chamber which made the...
E-5 blaster rifle | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Baze Malbus wielded a personally modified [27] E-5 blaster [28] identified as an E-5 carbine [27] during his opposition to the Galactic Empire 's occupation of Jedha. He repeatedly needed to fix the blaster until it finally was too broken for further use, which his …
E-5 carbine | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The E-5 carbine was a type of blaster carbine. Baze Malbus used an E-5 blaster carbine until he acquired an MWC-35c "Staccato Lightning" repeating cannon, a type of heavy repeater cannon.
卡宾枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
有一种特殊类型的卡宾枪是 手枪口径卡宾枪 (pistol-caliber carbine,简称PCC),在19世纪中期金属壳子弹普及后就开始出现,主要用来“配合”当时市面上热卖的 左轮手枪,让 美国旧西部 的牛仔和执法官能用同样的随身弹药打出更好的精度和威力。
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