BMW 5 Series (E60) - Wikipedia
The E60/E61 generation was produced by BMW from 2003 to 2010 and is often collectively referred to as the E60. The E60 generation introduced various new electronic features, including the iDrive infotainment system, head-up display, active cruise control, active steering, adaptive headlights, night vision, lane departure warning and voice control.
E60 / E61 (2004 - 2010) | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2009年9月28日 · BMW 5-Series E60 Sedan was first seen in the Unites States in the fall of 2003 with a 2004 Model Year designation. The E61 wagon followed shortly there after. The E60/E61 5 series is now available as a 528i, 528xi, 535i, 535xi, 550i and a 535xi sports wagon!
BMW宝马5系进化史之第五代宝马5系E60/E61 - 搜狐
2017年8月13日 · M5(E60/E61)搭载了宝马具有里程碑式意义的5.0升V10自然吸气发动机(S85B50A),最大功率507马力(373kW)/7750rpm,最大扭矩520N·m/6100rpm,与发动机匹配的是7速SMG变速箱,电子限速下最高时速250km/h,解除限速后可达315km/h,0-100km/h加速 …
2017年10月26日 · e60是第五代5系,和最新款的5系相比跨越了一代车型。 E60以最直接的方式把宝马的张扬、运动、狠劲表露无疑,这绝对是最具个性的一代 宝马5系 。 而E60最大的特点就是设计独特的前大灯,喜欢E60的人90%都被这个大灯吸引,同时也开创了天使眼的先河。
41年从传统到创新 宝马5系历史回顾 - 汽车之家
2013年8月31日 · M5(E60/E61)搭载了宝马具有 里程 碑式意义的5.0升V10自然吸气发动机(S85B50A),最大功率507马力(373kW)/7750rpm,最大扭矩520N·m/6100rpm,与发动机匹配的是7速 SMG 变速箱,电子限速下最高时速250km/h,解除限速后可达315km/h,0-100km/h加速时间4.7秒。 这款源自F1赛车技术的发动机最高转速超过8000rpm,其 曲轴 箱由铝和硅合金制成,为了减轻车重并增加强度,其 悬架 则采用铝合金材质。
Difference between all E60 versions | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2017年4月19日 · I'm trying to find out the difference between all the different versions of the E60. There are a lot of terms thrown around - Professional, Business, High, CIC, CCC - but I still haven't been able to find a definitive resource to identify the differences between these versions.
BMW 5 Series [E60/E61](2003-2010) Problems, Review, Faults and ...
2023年3月24日 · BMW 5 Series E60/E61 is a very popular high-end car in the premium sedan segment. In the design of the platform, choices already seen in the past on the 5 Series E39 have been maintained (for example the extensive use of elements in aluminum alloy) and new modern choices have been implemented.
宝马5系轿车“E60”“E61”什么意思? - 百度知道
宝马5系轿车“e60”“e61”什么意思? E60是上一代5系的内部代号,E61是上一代5系长轴距版的代号。 宝马公司内部采用的底盘代号“E”,从1951年推出的E541至今,E开头的宝马底盘已经走过了半个多世纪的路程,而自2009
BMW 5-Series E60-E61 data and specifications catalogue - Automobile-Catalog
BMW model 5-Series E60-E61 belongs to mid-size luxury / executive car class. Represents the "E (executive cars)" market segment. The car was offered with 4-door sedan, station wagon body shapes between the years 2003 and 2010.
2017年8月13日 · 其中,全新的535d装备3.0升直列六缸双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率286马力,最大扭矩580N·m,解除限速后最高时速可达267km/h。第五代5系旅行版(E61)于2004年正式推出,此外,宝马针对特殊客户的需求推出了基于第五代5系所打造的530i和550i防弹安全车。 宝马M5