BMW 5 Series (E60) - Wikipedia
The E60 was the first 5 Series to be available with a turbocharged petrol engine, a 6-speed automatic transmission and regenerative braking. The M5 model was introduced in 2005 and is powered by the BMW S85 V10 engine. It was sold in the saloon and wagon body styles, with most cars using the 7-speed SMG III transmission.
宝马E60老车新试:为何说它是颠覆之作 - 车家号
2017年5月8日 · 这台E60 530Li最擅长的工况就是在高速上平稳巡航。 舒适的悬架配合扎实的转向手感让驾驶者倍感惬意,大排量多缸的自然吸气引擎可再添一分气定神闲。
Specs for all BMW E60 5 Series versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a BMW E60 5 Series version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts. Notice also the plus sign to access the comparator tool where you can compare up to 3 cars at once side by side.
The E60 BMW 5-Series Facelift Range Test Drive: BMW 523i SE, …
2008年11月3日 · Both the 523i and the 523i SE have your standard 8 airbags, DSC, ABS, Start-off brake assist, Active Steering, and the iDrive system which also displays a nice visual parking assistant. You also...
E60 | 班戈用这部车为宝马开创了新的时代 - 知乎
E60在产的7年时间里,居然卖了一百多万辆,成为了历史上最成功的一代5系。 E60,2003年上市2010年停产,是5系的第五代(也就是上图从左往右数第五个,和第四个比比,变化是不是太大了? )。 E60的排量从2.0到5.0,从四个缸到十个缸,简直应有尽有。 说实话我自己都还没有完全搞懂,因为光是530i这一个型号在这7年的时间里就使用过三种发动机,功率一个比一个大,早期版的231匹,末期的已经有272匹了。 常见的523i、525i、530i、535i都是直列六缸的,宝马最引以 …
准奶爸的E60整备,和给大家的异地购车建议 - 知乎
前几周,我们分享了几篇我们认为值得推荐的省油小车,今天,给大家带来的是一辆老宝马——E60 宝马530i,还是没有进行加长的初期E60。 这辆车是河南车友千里奔袭,从无锡买下,车辆在06年初登,还没跑到10万公里,…
BMW E60 5 Series - 汽车规格和技术数据,油耗 - Ultimate Specs
BMW E60 5 Series 汽车规格和技术数据,规格和燃油消耗 English Français Deutsch Svensk Português PT Español русский Italiano български Nederlands Polski Português BR Türkçe
史上最强悍、最激进的宝马5系——E60 M5! - 搜狐
2018年12月2日 · 第五代 宝马 5系E60是克里斯·班戈的经典力作,其型号相当丰富,包括了520i、523i、525i、525xi、530i、530xi、535i、550i等等。而最为强悍的E60当属2005年上市的M5了,到2010年生产结束,E60 M5总共制造了20,548辆,这辆来自2008年的红色E60 M5就是其中的一 …
BMW E60 5-Series Buyers’ Guide (2022) - Bimmers.com
2022年2月27日 · In this guide, we’ll take a look at how that transition happened, what makes this car special, but we’ll also discuss some of its less than colorful aspects. If you’re looking to buy a used E60, this guide will also help you narrow down on which model year and variant to choose, as well as the best engine and gearbox combo for your driving needs.
BMW E60 5 Series 530i Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the BMW E60 5 Series 530i 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.