HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z-E77830 系列
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E87650z Businesses that stay ahead don’t slow down. It’s why HP built the next generation of HP Color LaserJet MFPs—to power productivity with a streamlined design that delivers premium color value, maximum uptime, and the strongest security. 1 Print Speed: Letter: Up to 50 ppm black; Up to 50 ppm color;
It’s why HP built the next generation of HP Color LaserJet MFPs—to power productivity with a streamlined design that delivers premium color value, maximum uptime, and the strongest security.1. Big color. Small cost. Print premium, professional-quality documents with vivid color images and graphics for a low cost.
HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z Color LaserJet …
HP released the Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z in April, 2017. This full-color, multifunctional desktop laser printer can be customized to fit your office needs. Standard features include copier, printer, scanner, and fax functionality. …
【惠普HP E87650z参数】HP HP E87650z复印机参数_规格_性能_ …
若按使用说明和操作指南正常使用情况下,本品发生故障,您可查询最近的维修点,由厂商售后解决。 也可凭厂商维修中心或特约维修点所提供的质量检测证明,以发票标明购机日期为准,享受7日内退货,15日内换货。 经惠普授权维修中心维修的机器,在原保修期内继续享受惠普提供的保修服务。 进入官网>> 惠普支持全国联保,可享有三包服务。 若按使用说明和操作指南正常使用情况下,本品发生故障,您可查询最近的维修点,由厂商售后解决。 也可凭厂商维修中心或特约维 …
Premium color value, maximum uptime, and the strongest security1 from a smart, streamlined MFP. Businesses that stay ahead don’t slow down. It’s why HP built the next generation of HP Color LaserJet MFPs—to power productivity with a streamlined design that delivers premium color value, maximum uptime, and the strongest security.1. Big color.
It’s why HP built the next generation of HP Color LaserJet MFPs—to power productivity with a streamlined design that delivers premium colour value, maximum uptime, and the strongest security.1. Big colour. Small cost. Print premium, professional-quality documents with vivid colour images and graphics for a low cost.
HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z - Speed 50 ppm
尋找支援和疑難排解資訊,包括軟體、驅動程式、規格和手冊 HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z - Speed 50 ppm
LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z is designed and pre-set in a way to allow you to reduce electricity costs. Directly after the last print or copy job, HP Color LaserJet Managed Flow MFP E87650z with its instant-on fuser technology switches over to an electric power saving mode, from which it can quickly print or copy again.
惠普 MFP E87650z - 天极产品库
惠普mfp e87650z,集打印、扫描、复印、无线四大功能于一身。 为了更少受制于网络束缚,开启了无线连接功能,用户可以通过手机、pad直接进行打印。 同时,部分社交app也可直接打印照片或文档,这一性能让它在同类产品中脱颖而出,同时也满足信息时代下 ...
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