G025|RAYS|Innovative High-Performance Wheels
Wheel design with conventional technology brings the spoke width of 6.5mm. But G025 evolves 5mm spoke width. The spoke looks like beautiful high heeled shoes, and can accept power from latest high-performance car easily. This is The Professional Forged Dynamic feeling made capable by a 100% made in house racing wheel.
RAYS Volk Racing GO 25 Wheel - Genuine Japanese Car Parts
It is a universal 2×5 design for a design feature, but the bolt hole has been arranged on the center of the spoke instead of between spoke and spoke. In addition, the weightless hole has been …
G025|RAYS(株式会社レイズ)|革新的なハイパフォーマンス …
G25,G16とは一線を画すスポーク断面形状はハイオフセット&ビッグブレーキという流行へ対応しつつも、シャープに見せ、フラットに見せないデザイン。 もちろんフェイスは4種を用意しレーシングコンケイブと名乗る仕業。 何より、各部のエッジ感の出来栄え、いでたちにこそこのホイールの凄味は、生まれがレーシングだからか。 これまたG025の仕業といえよう。 アプリ不要! 簡単にAR体験! ※ AR WHEEL SIMULATORの使い方動画は こちら。 装着が出来ない車 …
心心念念的RAYS G025终于用上了 - 汽车之家
2023年11月1日 · 对于双擎的亚洲龙来说,一直就想体验一下轻轮的效果,所以,特意选择了RAYS G025轮毂并征求了车友的意见,果断订购了这款轮毂。 经过长达一年的等待,心心念念的轮毂终于漂洋过海来到了我身边。 本已经凉了一半的心有回到初订轮毂的激动状态,从得到消息轮毂已经从海关发出的那一刻,就每时每刻地关注着物流的状态,积极准备上轮毂所需的相关小配件。 原厂螺丝是不能用了,必须准备锻造轻螺丝,平衡块经过咨询车友的意见,下单买了伍尔 …
G025 - RAYS Wheels
Wheel design with conventional technology brings the spoke width of 6.5mm. But G025 evolves 5mm spoke width. The spoke looks like beautiful high heeled shoes, and can accept power …
Volk Racing G025 Wheels - Performance and Style at Vivid
Discover the exceptional performance and style of the Volk Racing G025 wheels at Vivid Racing. These lightweight, high-strength alloy wheels are designed for enthusiasts seeking optimal handling and a sleek aesthetic for their vehicles. Upgrade your ride with the G025 and experience the perfect blend of innovation and craftsmanship. ...
RAYS 新品G025来了,设计太赞了!!! - 搜狐
2019年5月25日 · 近日,Rays中国总代理深圳市零创汽车用品有限公司收到厂家最新消息,G025预计将于下个月正式上市。 据悉,G025采用比G25轮辐的7.5毫米更加纤细的辐条设计,最小宽度仅5.5毫米。 不仅有利于制动器的散热,同时可以为卡钳提供大面积视觉展示。 G025通过在辐条的中心挖孔及角度设计,实现偷轻并呈现更加立体的效果。 声明: 本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。
Volk Racing G025 Wheels - Formula Silver 19" - JHPUSA
Wheel design with conventional technology brings the spoke width of 6.5mm, but G025 evolves with a 5mm spoke width. The spoke looks like a beautiful high heeled shoe, and can accept power from latest high-performance car easily.
RAYS - G25 Wheels - Nengun Performance
The Volk Racing G25 brings you the most possible performance and the essence of forging beauty. 2X5 split spoke design with various size applications is available of four difference faces for a true racing concave. Slim and elongated spokes with deep sectional width offers the latest advancements of technology available. Method: Forged 1pc.
【图】出正品轮毂RAYS GO25_宝马M系论坛_汽车之家论坛
2022年3月14日 · rays go25 哑光枪黑 前轮19x9j et23 净重≈9.5kg 后轮19x10j et34 净重≈10kg 完美 ~
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