Used BMW M3 for Sale Near Me - CARFAX
Are BMW M3s well maintained? The data above is updated daily, based on used car inventory for sale on CARFAX for the last five model years of this car. We have 825 BMW M3s for sale with Free CARFAX Reports including Competition xDrive, Base, Competition and other trims. 569 BMW M3s are reported accident free and 218 are One-Owner cars.
BMW M3 E90, E92 and E93
With its high-reving capability, the V8 engine of the BMW M3 E90, E92 and E93 provides a motorsport feeling and outstanding performance. At this rev speed, each of the eight pistons covers a distance of 20 metres per second.
Used BMW E9X M3 (E90, E92, E93) for Sale - Autotrader
Test drive Used BMW M3 at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 236 Used BMW M3 for sale, including a 2008 BMW M3 Coupe, a 2008 BMW M3 Sedan, and a 2009 BMW M3 Coupe ranging in price from $13,982 to $122,990.
BMW M3 - Wikipedia
The M3 model of the E90/E92/E93 3 Series range was powered by the BMW S65 V8 engine and was produced in saloon, convertible and coupé body styles. The E9x is the first and only standard production M3 powered by a V8 engine as its successor would revert to using a straight 6 engine.
四十万买个8缸宝马M3,低调飞行朋友圈 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
车型:宝马m3 2009款 m3四门轿车. 排量: 4.0l v8. 变速箱:7挡双离合. 上牌时间:2011-03. 交付时间:2018-04. 表显里程:7万公里. 新车指导价:106.60万. 成交价格:37.5万 【去年淘的双门版,也放上来供大家参考吧】 车型:宝马m3 2009款 m3双门轿跑车. 排量: 4.0l v8. 变速 ...
BMW 3 Series (E90) - Wikipedia
The E90/E92/E93 M3 is the only generation of M3 to be powered by a V8 engine. Introduced in 2007, [11] it uses the BMW S65 naturally aspirated V8 engine and was produced in saloon, coupé and convertible body styles. [12] Following the introduction of the F30/F31 3 Series in February 2012, the E90/E91 saloons and estates were phased out.
BMW E90/E92/E93 M3 For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
BMW E90/E92/E93 M3. BMW's decision to put a V8 in the M3 sparked some controversy among diehard fans initially. Those that drove them were quick to come around - true to the character of M3s past, its S65 motor was incredibly revvy.
E93 M3怎么样? - 知乎
我有一台13年的e93 m3,想听听大家对这款车是怎么评价的,最好全方面包含:车辆配置、车辆保养、车辆保值…
BMW M3 - E90 Market - CLASSIC.COM
BMW introduced their E90 generation of M3 for the 2008 model year. The only M3 fitted with a naturally aspirated V8 engine, the E90 generation of M3 was offered in three distinct body styles, each with their own unique development code: Sedan (E90), Coupe (E92), and Convertible (E93).
後勢行情最看漲!BMW E93 M3 末代NA自然進氣皇帝
2020年5月18日 · 身為M Power最暢銷款式的M3,即使現行第六代的F80系列,因改採動力輸出與性能味道更甚的S55渦輪直噴引擎,不過對已停產3年的前代版本E90/E92/E93系列來說,中古行情非但沒迅速崩盤,後續升值的空間反而更普遍看好,只因憑藉著「NA一拜」M Power最終版的「利 …