EASE Focus 3 - Free Download | Ahnert Feistel Media Group - AFMG
EASE Focus 3 is an acoustic simulation program for 3D modeling of line arrays, sub arrays, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers. Thanks to the support from major loudspeaker manufacturers, EASE Focus 3 is free software for the end user.
Ease Focus - DAS Audio
EASE Focus 3 is an acoustic simulation program for 3D modeling of line arrays, sub arrays, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers. Thanks to the support from major loudspeaker manufacturers, EASE Focus 3 is free software for the end user.
EASE Focus – 广州启音技术顾问有限公司 - Initial Audio
EASE Focus是基于AFMG著名的EASE计算引擎,由于内部数据的高分辨率及GLL数据格式,在20Hz至20kHz的整个频率范围内提供了准确的仿真结果。 兼容的数据结构允许EASE和其他AFMG ® 的软件进行数据交换,完整定义数据的线阵列扬声器可以导出以供在EASE中进一步使用。
EASE Software - Q-SYS
EASE Focus 3 is a three-dimensional, acoustic simulation software for the configuration and modeling of line array systems, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers.
EASE Focus 3 下载_CODA Audio中文网站 - 浙江通博视讯科技有限 …
EASE Focus v3.1.3.zip 下载. EASE Focus 3 下载. 提示:请选择你要下载的软件包点击下载。
EASE Focus声学建模软件 — VUE Audiotechnik
EASE Focus 声学建模软件. EASE Focus 2 是一个为线阵系统、数字操控阵列和传统音响系统配置和建模的三维声学模拟软件。VUE被授权在al-4、al-8和h-系列产品上使用 EASE Focus 2及以上版本的软件,EAST Focus 2针对VUE用户是免费的。 EASE Focus 软件经过一系列优化,已经非常 ...
Ease Focus 3 快速上手指南 1 - 第 3 - 小鲤鱼
本篇文章中,我们将为大家简单介绍Ease Focus 3软件的下载与安装、初始页面介绍与正式模拟前的基本设置。
ease_focus使用教程 - Alcons(欧凯仕) - 广州伊艾德音响科技有限公 …
2014年12月17日 · Ease focus是一款聲場計算軟件.在這款軟件裡面可以導入Alcons線陣列的參數.下面我們就來分享一下這款軟件的操作方式吧. ease_focus使用教程 TOMAS -东汇技术支持中心- 北京电话:010-8575-8831 广州电话:020-39353992
EASE Focus 3 - Software - Amate Audio
EASE Focus 3 is an acoustic simulation program for 3D modeling of line arrays, sub arrays, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers. EASE® Focus 3 is free software for the end user. Based on AFMG’s leading simulation software EASE, this concept made it possible to implement a broad scope of features and functionality.
Easefocus3简介及音箱导入 - 哔哩哔哩
ease focus3主要作用就是模拟音箱的直达声,音箱之间互相干涉形成的指向性,声压级分布图,特点适合:线阵列声学模拟,超低音各种阵列的模拟。 能够帮助用户迅速的制定方案,对于刚刚入门的音响系统工程师来说,也是一款非常棒的学习软件。