Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2
2025年1月15日 · You may be eligible for an employment-based, second preference visa if you are a member of the professions holding an advanced degree or its equivalent, or a person who has exceptional ability.
Inmigración Basada en un Empleo: Segunda Preferencia EB-2
2025年1月15日 · Las peticiones de segunda preferencia usualmente van acompañadas por un Formulario ETA-9089, Solicitud de Certificación de Empleo Permanente, firmado, aprobado por DOL; o en el caso de las solicitudes de certificación de condición laboral presentadas a partir del 1 de junio de 2023, utilizando el Sistema Portal de Solicitudes de Mano de Obra Ext...
EBWin4 - ebstudio.info
EBWin4は、Windows用のEPWING / 電子ブック (EB)ビューアです。 従来の EBWin の後継ソフトであり、最近のEBPocket (iOS,Android),EBMac (Mac OS X)の改良を反映しています。
美国EB2移民详解! - 知乎专栏
第一种:是PERM劳工纸申请中工作职位要求硕士学位或者学士学位另外加5年工作经验的申请类别,即EB-2a和EB-2b; 第二种:是因为符合国家利益而申请免除 PERM劳工许可 申请的国际利益豁免NIW申请。
Home » EB2 NIW Info
We frequently discuss the approval rate statistics for EB2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) or for the general EB-2 category. The EB2 category is the overarching class to which NIW green cards belong to....
EB-2 NIW - National Interest Waiver: Requirements & How to Apply
5 天之前 · The EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) is a provision under the EB2 visa that allows highly skilled foreign nationals professionals to apply for a Green Card without a job offer or …
EB-2 NIW - AG Immigration
The EB2 NIW (National Interest Waiver) is a visa designed to allow individuals to obtain permanent residency in the United States without a job offer from a US employer, if they can show that they intend to work towards the National Interest of the United States and have a distinguished professional history.
美國EB2申請詳細流程3步驟!PERM, I-140, I-485是什麼?
2021年7月30日 · EB2是美國移民途徑較為常見的職業移民綠卡,也是職業移民的第二類優先,並且需要雇主提交申請。 EB2職業移民申請中的工作必須是需要高等學位的專業人才。
EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) - USCIS Guide
An EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) is a special type of visa that allows foreign workers with advanced degrees or exceptional ability to bypass the labor certification process and file for permanent residency without an employer sponsor.
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