God (EBF5 boss) - Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
God is a boss in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. He is found in the Temple of Trials, together with other Evil Players — as such, he is currently exclusive to the paid Steam release of the game.
Epic Battle Fantasy 5: How to Defeat God on Epic
2018年12月13日 · God has a powerful defensive buff that gives himself 100% increased defense, magical defense, Bless, and Guard. He also occasionally buffs his Attack and Magic Attack …
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 – How to Beat the True Final Boss on Epic
2018年12月9日 · God’s Final Cutter move can do upwards to 9 swings when on low health. He also launches his Spirit Bomb as a limit break and he occasionally buffs his attack and defence, but we talked about that in the Summons section.
God (Epic Battle Fantasy) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
God is an optional superboss in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. He is fought in the Temple of Trials, after the heroes are done defeating their evil counterparts. Tier: 2-C. Name: God. Origin: Epic Battle Fantasy. Gender: Referred to as male. Age: Inapplicable. Classification: God.
Battling God : r/ebf - Reddit
2022年1月24日 · Hi! So I have been trying to defeat God in EBF5, and the spirit bomb kills me every time - I managed to get him to 1/3 health at one point, but it always kills me. Does anyone have some tips to survive the bomb? I used auto revive and used different shield spells, but I …
temple of trials - epic difficult god :: Epic Battle Fantasy 5 General ...
2018年12月29日 · It is definitely not easy, and the difficulty is definitely fit for a true final boss. I want eqipment of characters. and how to fight. I spended today. T.T somebody help me.
Epic Battle Fantasy 5
After traversing the icy landscape (and finding Spiked Boots to help with the slip-and-slide puzzles) and battling a powered-up Chibi Knight, the quintet encounters Poseidon, an ancient sea god thought to be only legend. Unfortunately, Poseidon has been driven mad by rampant water pollution, forcing the party to defeat him in battle.
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 God A.C.E. - YouTube
Here, we fight God on epic with all challenges enabled. God is hands down the number 1 most powerful foe in the entire game. The unremovable status effect of "Epic" is the sole reason ...more
Temple of Trials guide - Steam Community
2019年5月27日 · As you might expect, God is the single strongest foe in the game. So much so, that it is possibly the greatest challenge in the game even after receiving the Epic buff, where all of your stats (HP, Atk, mAtk, Def, mDef, Acc, Evd) increase by 25% every turn.
【图片】【EBF5】全任务整理及其攻略~※【史诗幻想5吧】_百度 …
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