Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki! EBFWiki is a database, dedicated to Epic Battle Fantasy series of flash games by Matt Roszak, that anyone can contribute to. Please refer to the Help page before getting started. There are currently 1,907 articles! Main
Official Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
Welcome to the Official Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki! EBFWiki is a database, dedicated to the Epic Battle Fantasy series and other flash games by Matt Roszak, that anyone can contribute to. Please refer to the Style guide page before getting started. There are currently 1,924 articles!
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 | Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki - Fandom
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is the fifth entry in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. The game was released November 30, 2018 on Steam with a price of $15 (which can vary depending on your country), with a free-to-play web version with optional paid content releasing a few months later; on February 15th, the game received the v2 update which increased ...
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 | Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki - Fandom
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is an adventure-RPG made by Matt Roszak, released on the 3rd of March, 2013. It is the fourth installment in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, featuring new areas, new enemies, new Medals, and a new playable character, Anna. On the 4th of June, 2023, Matt Roszak announced a...
Epic Battle Fantasy - Wikipedia
Epic Battle Fantasy is a fantasy turn-based indie role-playing video game series created by web animator and game developer Matt Roszak. The series was inspired by the Final Fantasy series and contain many pop-culture references.
Epic Battle Fantasy - Official Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
Epic Battle Fantasy is the first game in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. It is based primarily upon the two main characters, Matt and Natalie, on their seemingly aimless "epic battle fantasy" quest, fighting through a legion of foes. It is followed by a direct sequel - Epic Battle Fantasy 2.
Valkyrie Tank - Official Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki
The Valkyrie Tank is the final boss of Epic Battle Fantasy 2. It is a gargantuan tank built by Lance to help achieve his attempt at world domination. It also makes frequent cameos in subsequent games as some of Lance's skills, though it is replaced by/upgraded into the Neon Valkyrie in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.
【EBF5】隐藏的游戏机制 - 哔哩哔哩
史诗幻想5有3个潜在结局(坏结局、正常结局和好结局)。 完成哪个结局取决于马特、娜塔莉、兰斯和安娜共六对可能配对的关系分数有几对达到了要求阈值。 坏结局只需在游戏结束时完成3对或更少的关系即可获得。 正常结局通过在游戏结束时完成4或5对关系获得。 好结局通过完成所有关系获得。 在结尾中,每对完成的关系都会显示一张额外的场景CG,然后是最后总场景CG,总场景对话会根据你获得的是坏结局、正常结局还是好结局而变化。 如果两个角色在回合结束时都 …
Epic Battle Fantasy series | Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki - Fandom
The Epic Battle Fantasy series is a saga of Flash games created by Matt Roszak, aka Kupo Games. The main series began as a simplistic turn-based role-playing game (RPG) made only of series of battles, but gradually added more role-playing elements until the third game, which was a comprehensive open-world fantasy RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy .
【EBF5V2】捕捉系统全解(源自ebfwiki) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月2日 · 本着早学习就能少走弯路的原则,我从ebfwiki上将整套捕捉算法翻译并写成本专栏(若有翻译不到位的可以参见原文https://epicbattlefantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Capturing),希望最大限度便利各位ebf爱好者们。 如果对于前面公式觉得很繁琐可以跳过一部分直接看后面最终公式和后面的一些诀窍贴士,以及我的一点补充。 ===========================以下是wiki翻译=============================== 每种类型的乘法器都是分开存储的. 1.HP效应. § …