Panhard EBR - Wikipedia
The Panhard EBR (Panhard Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance, French: Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle) is an armoured car designed by Panhard for the French Army and later used across the globe, notably by the French Army during the Algerian War and by the Portuguese Army during the Portuguese Colonial War.
法兰西的装甲跑车——潘哈德EBR系列 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
到了1964年,法国人决定换掉了原有的fl10炮塔+sa50主炮的组合,经过现代化改造的fl11炮塔搭配90mm f2型主炮成为了最后一款ebr的武备,而换装90mm滑膛炮也意味着ebr能够发射尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹(apfsds)。
“火之战车”系列:百年潘哈德轮式战车(中) - 哔哩哔哩
大羚羊90主炮可以发射低速高爆弹(he)、高爆反坦克曳光弹(heat-t)、白磷烟弹(wp-smk,训练有素的成员可以每8-10秒在静止或短暂停顿时发射主炮。 改进后的大羚羊长途涉水都是一把好手,撒欢越野也能跟得上号角坦克。
【索穆尔骑兵纪念馆】最后的法兰西超跑 - 潘哈德EBR-90(FL-11 …
该车最大的特色就是采用了双驾驶室设计,装甲车的前后都有一名驾驶员,各自有一套操作系统,也就是说它没有严格意义上的正面,需要往哪头开就用哪头的驾驶员操作;其实这种设计是 …
2020年11月12日 · 1951年型的潘哈德EBR使用75毫米口径SA 49坦克炮,后来在1963年型上换成了90毫米口径CN-90-F2低膛压坦克炮,这就是游戏里“潘哈德EBR 90”名字的来源。 潘哈德EBR基本型使用FL 11炮塔,这种炮塔也是“摇摆型”炮塔,但因为没安装弹鼓式自动输弹机,所以没有炮塔尾舱,也不具备“弹夹炮”的能力。 潘哈德EBR从1950年开始生产,一直到1969年停产,期间共生产1200台。 法国陆军自用的潘哈德EBR主要分布于轻型机械化师中,他们负责在广大的战场区 …
Panhard EBR (Engin Blinde de Reconnaissance) - Military Factory
In 1963, the line saw its final variant revealed, now upgunned to a 90mm Model F2 main gun (to become the "EBR-90"). This weapon promised tank-killing firepower more consistent with medium/main battle tanks of the time.
Panhard EBR 90:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
Panhard EBR 90 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。 在六零年代早期,75 毫米口徑被認為是過時的戰車炮。 1963–1964 年,共有 650 輛搭載 FL 11 炮塔的車輛,重新裝備了 90 毫米戰車炮來提升其火力。
潘哈德 EBR 90:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
潘哈德 EBR 90的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。
Panhard EBR-90 Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle - RM Sotheby's
Engine: Fiat 12-cylinder petrol, 200-hp. Power/weight: 13.5-hp/ton. Fuel Capacity: 375-USG (1,420-l) Range: 400-miles (630-km) Speed: 65-mph (105-km/h) The vehicle being offered, EBR 90 armored car, is in original and unrestored condition. The exterior paint is in good condition and could use some cosmetic restoration.
Panhard EBR armoured car (1951) - tank-afv.com
Panhard EBR - Armoured Car - France. 1200 built 1951-60. The specifications for this model came from postwar requirements, in 1938. The army already searched for a replacement for the Panhard 178. The latter was already in production and probably one the best armoured car fielded by the French army during the war.