Experimental Breeder Reactor II - Wikipedia
Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) was a sodium-cooled fast reactor designed, built and operated by Argonne National Laboratory at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho. It was shut down in 1994. Custody of the reactor was transferred to Idaho National Laboratory after its founding in 2005.
Experimental Breeder Reactor-II - Argonne National Laboratory
The Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) was shutdown in late 1994 after 30 years of successful operation. The detailed Safe Storage Work Plan describing the final condition of the EBR-II was implemented in October 2000.
EBR-II STORY began in spring 1944. Work at Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and Hanford to design, build, and provide fissionable material for the first atomic bombs was shifting into high gear.
来自美国 EBR-II 反应堆的乏燃料转移至干法储存 - 中国核技术网
2023年4月3日 · EBR-II 是由阿贡国家实验室在爱达荷州国家反应堆测试站设计、建造和运行的钠冷快堆。 它于 1994 年关闭,2005 年成立后托管权移交给爱达荷国家实验室。 初始运营于 1964 年 7 月开始,并于 1965 年达到临界状态,总成本超过 3200 万美元 (2021 年为 2.75 亿美元)。 最初的目的是展示一个完整的增殖反应堆发电厂,对固体金属燃料进行现场后处理。 将铀 235 浓缩至约 67% 的燃料元素密封在不锈钢管中,并在其浓缩度达到约 65% 时取出。 这些管子被打开并重 …
(PDF) Experimental Breeder Reactor II - ResearchGate
2022年7月19日 · EBR-II was a sodium-cooled fast reactor operating at 69 MWth producing 19 MWe. Rather than using a loop approach for the coolant, EBR-II used a pool arrangement where...
Spent Nuclear Fuel from this Retired Government Reactor is …
2023年8月31日 · Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) is one of the most historic research reactors ever built. In 1986, it successfully shut itself down from full power without any operator action—despite a series of tests thrown at the small sodium-cooled reactor to …
Operating and test experience with EBR-II, the IFR prototype
1997年1月1日 · The Experimental Breeder Reactor number 2 (EBR-II) has operated for 30 years, the longest for any liquid metal cooled reactor (LMR) power plant in the world. Given the scope of what has been developed and demonstrated over those years, it is arguably the most successful test reactor operation ever.
Experimental Breeder Reactor II - IntechOpen
2022年7月19日 · The Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) operated from 1964 to 1994. EBR-II was a sodium-cooled fast reactor operating at 69 MWth producing 19 MWe. Rather than using a loop approach for the coolant, EBR-II used a pool arrangement where the reactor core, primary coolant piping, and primary reactor coolant pumps were contained within the pool ...
EBR-II: summary of operating experience (Conference) - OSTI.GOV
Experimental Breeder Reactor II (EBR-II) is an unmoderated, sodium-cooled reactor with a design power of 62.5 MWt. The primary cooling system is a submerged-pool type. The early operation of the reactor successfully demonstrated the feasibility of a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor operating as an integrated reactor, power plant, and fuel ...
EBR-II operating experience (Technical Report) - OSTI.GOV
Operation of the EBR-2 reactor is presented concerning the performance of the heat removal system; reactor materials; fuel handling system; sodium purification and sampling system; cover-gas purification; plant diagnostics and instrumentation; recent improvements in identifying fission product sources in EBR-2; and EBR-2 safety. | OSTI.GOV