Electronic Broking Services - Wikipedia
EBS was acquired by ICAP, the world's largest inter-dealer broker, in June 2006. [2] In 2014, EBS merged with BrokerTec—a service provider in the fixed income markets—to form EBS BrokerTec. BrokerTec offers trading technology for many US and European fixed income products including US Treasuries, European Government Bonds and European Repo ...
全球主要外汇电子交易平台 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
毅联汇业(ICAP)是全球最大的交易商同业经纪商,由Garban公司和Intercapital公司于1999年合并成立,2001年更名为ICAP,凭借其在利率掉期和期权、商品掉期及 可转换债券 和外汇期权方面的优势,通过一系列并购行为,逐步发展成为全球最大的交易商同业经纪商。 1993年,全球14家最大的外汇银行成立合伙公司,投资5000万美元发展EBS交易系统。 EBS成为全球最大的 即期外汇 电子交易系统、银行同业及专业交易社群市场信息方案提供商,为专业即期外汇行业服务 …
About Us - ICAP
In 2006, ICAP bought EBS, a major trading platform for foreign exchange, and then acquired Traiana Inc – a provider of post-trade processing, client servicing, and trading software for financial institutions – in December 2007.
交易大百科(E字系列)——电子经纪服务 (EBS) - 知乎
Electronic Brokering Services (EBS) 成立于 1990 年,是几家主要银行的合资企业,包括花旗银行、 摩根大通 和瑞银等。 EBS 的创建旨在为外汇交易 (forex) 提供高效透明的电子平台,与现有的 路透等平台竞争。 在 EBS 成立之前,外汇交易主要通过电话进行,既费时又容易 ...
NEX Group - Wikipedia
NEX Group plc, formerly known as ICAP plc, is a UK-based business focused on electronic financial markets and post trade business for other financial institutions rather than private individuals. They are known as an inter-broker dealer.
EBS - MarketsWiki, A Commonwealth of Market Knowledge
Electronic Broking Service (EBS) is an electronic currency trading platform for the interbank community, owned by ICAP. It was founded in 1990 by a 13-member bank consortium that included currency dealers UBS, Citigroup, HSBC and JP Morgan Chase. It was sold to ICAP in 2006, in a deal valued as high as $825 million. [1]
BrokerTec - MarketsWiki, A Commonwealth of Market Knowledge
EBS BrokerTec was ICAP 's electronic foreign exchange (FX) and fixed income business serving customers from more than 50 countries. When CME Group acquired NEX Markets, they changed the name back to BrokerTec. EBS was founded in 1990 by a 13-member bank consortium that included currency dealers UBS, Citigroup, HSBC and JP Morgan Chase.
金融業界を変えた革命的システム「EBS」とは?先駆的な電子取引 …
2024年9月8日 · EBS(Electronic Broking System)は、主に外国為替市場に特化した先進的な取引プラットフォームです。 このシステムは、投資家や金融機関がコンピューターを通じて直接売買を行えるという特長があり、従来の取引方法を大きく変革しました。
银行间的外汇报价系统EBS和汤森路透FXAll-全球主要外汇电子交 …
中国外汇交易系统选择了ICAP的EBS BrokerTec平台进行外汇
2019年8月2日 · 中国的银行间交易平台和基础设施提供商中国外汇交易系统(CFETS)已选择ICAP的EBS BrokerTec用于固定收益,衍生品和外汇电子交易。 该交易在三年内价值6500万美元,并将看到ICAP的EBS BrokerTec在上海设立办事处和“开发中心”。