Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of 300M …
2023年7月1日 · EBSD characterizations of 300M steel deformed under high strain rate: (a) orientation map, (b) DRX map, (c) grain boundary map, (d) misorientation angle, (e) inverse pole figure. In order to further understand the underlying mechanism for the 300M steel subjected to high strain rate, the typical deformation features were mirrored by the FIB ...
EBSD-data analysis of an additive manufactured maraging 300 …
2023年9月1日 · Applying EBSD analysis on additively manufactured maraging steels enables the assessment of grain and subgrain boundary distributions, central in pipe-boundary diffusion, segregation of impurity atoms, and austenite reversion.
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of 300M …
Herein, low and high power selective laser melting (SLM) of 300M steel and their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties have been reported. The results show that the optimal energy density range with the highest relative density for …
Surface morphologies and microstructure of high-strength steel …
2023年6月30日 · The microstructure, plastic deformation, and grain refinement mechanism was revealed by EBSD. The results showed that better machined surface quality is performed in the CQHT condition. In NHT condition, the subsurface layer grains were significantly deformed and refinement was exhibited after the grinding process in NHT condition.
18Ni300马氏体时效钢是否具有磁性? - 知乎
2020年9月21日 · 意大利巴里理工大学、挪威科技大学、美国加州大学伯克利分校、北京理工大学、意大利萨皮恩扎罗马大学成功生产了AISI 316L和18Ni(300)的层内双材料样品。 这个结果是在不改变打印机而使用廉价的附加设备获得的。 本研究使用的18Ni(300)马氏体时效钢和AISI 316L不锈钢都是通过气体雾化制备的,并呈现出良好的球形,如图1。 经制造商认证的两种材料的化学成分如表1所示。 18Ni(300)马氏体时效钢与AISI 316L不锈钢相比具有高强度和低延展 …
EBSD测试如何制样 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
EBSD 即电子背散射衍射 (Electron Backscattered Diffraction),作为晶体微区取向和晶体结构的分析技术在近几年取得了较快的发展,并已在材料微观组织结构及微织构表征中得到广泛应用。 装有EBSD系统和 能谱仪 的 扫描电子显微镜 就可以将显微形貌、显微成分和显微取向三者集于一体,这大大方便了材料科学工作者的研究工作。 EBSD分析不仅需要有很深的晶体学造诣,而且对样品的要求很高,初学者很难在短时间内掌握其制样工艺。 而EBSD对不同的材质及材质相同组 …
针对EBSD所做的最终抛光 •通过化学-机械抛光方式可以有效去除金刚石抛 光过程中带来的残余应力及试样破坏 •虽然其它的氧化物抛光剂抛光效果不错,但是硅 胶体是个非常不错的抛光介质 Residual surface damage
Benefiting from high strength, high fracture toughness, and excellent fatigue resistance, 300 M ultra-high-strength steel (UHSS) has been extensively applied in the aerospace field for manufacturing aircraft landing gears [1, 2]. However, it has …
Investigation of 300M ultra-high-strength steel deposited by
2023年11月1日 · 300 M ultra-high-strength steel (UHSS) is widely used to produce landing gear components for aircraft. The conventional manufacturing route for these components involves extensive machining and significant material wastage. Here, the application of wire-based gas metal arc additive manufacturing to produce 300 M UHSS parts was investigated.
In-situ observations and modeling of metadynamic …
2020年1月1日 · Fast in-situ annealing stage coupled with EBSD: a suitable tool to observe quick recrystallization mechanisms