EC-11 Water-Based Epoxy is a premium quality two-component, chemical resistant, long pot life epoxy coating. It provides epoxy toughness, medium gloss and durability, with the convenience of a water-based system. EC-11 is designed to be used on concrete, metal, masonry or wood where a tough, chemical resistant finish is needed.
TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are decorative glass-bulb sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard occupancies.
认识EC11旋转编码器&编写驱动程序 - CSDN博客
stm32 ec11代码是基于stm32f103微控制器实现的旋转编码器接口程序,主要用于处理ec11编码器的正反向计数。 EC 11 旋转编码器 是一种常见于工业控制和自动化领域的传感器,它可以提供精确的位置和速度信息。
一篇文章带你了解——EC11编码器 - CSDN博客
2024年4月10日 · ec11编码器是一种小型高精度旋转式编码器,本系统测试用的ec11是一圈20个脉冲,同时带按键,驱动包括但边沿触发一圈检测20次,和双边沿触发一圈检测40次。
基于STM32F103C8T6之旋转编码器(EC11) - 知乎专栏
增量式编码器 (EC11)是将位移转换成周期性的电信号,再把这个电信号转变成计数脉冲,用脉冲的个数表明位移的巨细。 如图所示:AC端信号可以看成S1与gnd之间的信号,BC端信号可以看成S2与gnd之间的信号。 旋转旋钮会使得S1,S2进行一次电平的变换,我们可以根据相应的变换得到相应的计数。 比如:当S1产生一个下降沿以及S2产生一个上升沿时使得计数值加一,当S1产生一个上升沿以及S2产生一个下降沿时使得计数值减一,这样就可以实现正转一格计数值加 …
Westcoat EC-11 Water-Based Epoxy | Clear - amazon.com
2024年5月3日 · Recommended for use as a medium duty concrete sealer for interior floors; EC-11 may also be used as a primer under many Westcoat Systems ; USDA/FDA Compliant ; Moisture Tolerant, Chemical Resistant, Very Durable ; Long Pot Life, Easy to Use, Very Fast Drying ; Coverage ~450-900 sq ft per 1.5 gallon kit depending on application
Series EC–11 Sprinklers – Sprinklers, Nozzles & Accessories - Tyco …
Tyco® Series EC-11 extended coverage upright and pendent sprinklers are decorative glass bulb sprinklers intended for use in automatic sprinkler systems. These sprinklers have a maximum coverage area of 400 sq. ft. (37,2 m²). Comparatively, standard coverage sprinklers for ordinary hazard occupancies cover a maximum area of 130 sq. ft. (12,1 ...
EC-11 rotary encoder library for Arduino. Moved to - GitHub
This is a little library that helps to work with EC-11 style of rotary encoders on Arduino. The dependancy on Arduino functions is very small, so it can be easily ported to other platforms. See ec11.hpp for the docs and examples folder for a little demo.
AAL-EC11/README.md at master · aleh/AAL-EC11 - GitHub
What exactly is EC-11? It's a family of devices that look like potentiometers and allow your microcontroller to receive rotary input. They work as push button too.
EC-11 Water-Based Epoxy - Westcoat - 2K (2 component) Coating …
Westcoat EC-11 Water-Based Epoxy is a premium quality two-component, chemical resistant, long pot life epoxy coating. It provides epoxy toughness, medium gloss and durability, with the convenience of a waterbased system.