DTPA / EC scan for kidneys | Super Sahyog Nuclear Imaging
Differences between DTPA and EC 'EC' stands for ethylene dicysteine. While DTPA enters into the renal tubules only through glomerular filtration, EC does so through tubular secretion as well (in addition to glomerular filtration). This results in much greater extraction of EC from blood (~50%) with each passage compared to DTPA (~20%).
Nuclear Renal Scan - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年8月28日 · 1- Technetium-99m diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid (Tc-99m DTPA): Primarily cleared by glomerular filtration and therefore useful to measure GFR and to evaluate flow through the pyelocalyceal system through the ureter and into the bladder.
中华医学会核医学分会 病例报告 (173)使用不同显像剂的肾动态 …
2020年7月27日 · 99m Tc-EC和 99m Tc-DTPA均为肾动态显像的显像剂,但因其通过肾脏排泄的途径不同,反映的肾功能情况也有所侧重。 99m Tc-EC主要通过肾小管排泌,其肾图主要反映肾小管的排泌功能和肾血浆流量;而 99m Tc-DTPA则几乎全部经肾小球滤过排泄,其肾图主要反映肾小 …
Ethylenedicysteine versus diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid as …
Introduction: L,L-ethylenedicysteine (EC) is a new carrier of technetium Tc 99m (99mTc) with a lower affinity to plasma albumin in comparison with diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). We compared 99mTc-EC scan with 99mTc-DTPA scan in diuretic renography for patients with obstructive uropathy.
Renal Scan - DTPA/DMSA - SNIG
What is a Renal DTPA Scan? A renal DTPA scan is a nuclear medicine exam in which a small amount of radioactive material (radioisotope) is used to measure the function of the kidneys, to see how the left and right kidney work comparatively. This test allows any sites of blockage to be identified and detected. How long does a Renal DTPA Scan take?
Technetium-99m-L,L-ethylenedicysteine is more effective than …
Objective: To evaluate the utility of diuretic dynamic renal scintigraphy (DDRS) with technetium-99m-L,L-ethylenedicysteine ( (99m)Tc-EC) in patients with indeterminate or possible false-positive results for urinary obstruction by technetium-99m diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid ( …
(99m)Tc-EC与(99m)Tc-DTPA肾显像特征的比较 - 万方医学网
目的探讨(99m)Tc-EC与(99m)Tc-DTPA肾显像结果的差异.方法共分为3组,即肾功能正常组(15人)、肾功能轻中度受损组(37人,53侧病变肾)和肾功能重极重度受损组(27,41侧病变肾).用常规剂量的(99m)Tc-EC和(99m)Tc-DTPA分次进行肾显像,得出肾血流功能图像、肾图,并求出肾放射性摄取 ...
^99mTc-DTPA和^99mTc-EC肾动态显像的对比分析 - Semantic …
目的对比分析99mTc-DTPA和99mTc-EC的同期肾动态显像,比较这两种肾脏显像剂在正常人和不同患者体内显像的特点和异同.方法采用自身对照方法,对15例正常人和35例不同肾脏疾患病人的99mTc-DTPA和99mTc-EC同期肾动态显像的图像和功能曲线参数进行了对比分析.结果显示 ...
使用 99mTc(DTPA、DMSA、MAG3 和 EC)进行肾脏 SPECT 扫描 …
这项研究计算了使用99m tc-(dtpa、dmsa、mag3 和 ec)进行肾脏 spect 扫描的 1 岁和 5 岁儿科患者的各个器官的吸收剂量和每单位活动的有效剂量。 为了实现这一目标,按照国际放射防护委员会 (ICRP) 第 143 号出版物的规定,采用 GATE 模拟框架对代表一岁和五岁儿科的 ...
Comparison of Tc-99m EC and Tc-99m DTPA captopril …
In two patients with branch artery stenosis, Tc-99m EC was definitely superior to Tc-99m DTPA and correctly identified the probability of stenosis on scintigraphy. On kidney analysis, Tc-99m EC had a slightly greater diagnostic sensitivity compared with Tc-99m DTPA (79% vs. 68%; P > 0.05 by the chi-squared test) but equal specificity (93% for ...
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