Autonomous Underwater Vehicles For Defense Applications | Exail - ECA …
Exail's naval robotics expertise ranges from man-portable to mid-sized military AUVs, catering to a broad spectrum of missions. Compatible with a wide range of sensors and payloads, our AUVs are mission-oriented and interoperable. Exail's unmanned underwater systems guarantee robustness, reliability, endurance, and high-quality imaging.
ECA集团开发了全系列水下自动潜航器 - 网易
2020年11月6日 · 在10月中旬举行的“2020年欧洲海军网上展览”上,ECA集团公司展示了其开发和制造各种AUV(自主水下航行器),旨在执行深海调查和保护任务。 ECA展示了其全系列水下自动潜航器A9和A18。 ECA 集团的A9、A18或A3000 AUV水下航行器产品具有先进的功能,例如高分辨率图像,耐久性和精确导航功能,可以定期执行海底检查,以自动检测和定位可疑物体,如水雷等爆炸装置物等等,可以由浅至深水,最大下潜深度为3,000米。 A18-M是ECA集团开发的新 …
Rapid Environment Assessment AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle…
2010年1月1日 · ECA is mainly known worldwide for its successful PAP family (PAP Mark 3, PAP Mark 5, PAP Plus, etc.), but during the 1960s, ECA also designed many free models of submarines, at scales of 1/10 or 1/20 used for hydrodynamic studies. In late 1970, ECA designed the first operational AUV, named EPAULARD for CNEXO (the former name of IFREMER).
Prototype AUVs prove capability for subsea inspection and
2004年10月1日 · Early in July, ECA's Alistar autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) undertook its first significant autonomous pipeline inspection task. In a trial mounted off-shore Toulon, southern France, the AUV tracked a pipeline and recorded video images over a distance of 500 m.
ECA Group to Develop Ultra-Deep AUV for Ifremer
2017年1月25日 · Ifremer has chosen ECA Group to develop a new ultra-deep autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for survey and inspection up to 6000 meters water depth. By choosing ECA Group through an international call for tender, Ifremer is establishing the CORAL ALliance (Cooperative Off-Shore Robotics ALliance), facilitating project development with selected ...
「ECA A18D / AUV /自主水下航行器」 价格、参数、图片 - 仪器网
2022年4月25日 · a18-d是eca group中型自主水下航行器auv,适用于深水应用。 它致力于精确的3D海底测量。 它可以执行深度达3000 m的自主任务,并具有21 h的续航能力,并且可以方便地通过飞机运输以进行海外任务。
A18D 用于 AUV 服务业务_EdgeTech_技术服务_海洋环境观测仪器 …
ECA GROUP 在深度勘测任务中展示了其中型 AUV 的高性能. 正如 2018 年初所宣布的那样,ECA 集团签署了一项向石油和天然气公司提供海底机器人服务的合作协议,租赁其最新一代A18D AUV,为其 AUV 服务活动创造了一个新维度。 整个 2018 年,ECA 集团成功进行了几次深度调查任务。 这种新一代 AUV 展示了其在地中海深海作业(海底约 2,500 m)期间执行多传感器调查的能力。 全面的测量解决方案:A18D 的高性能和易用性,用于高精度制图的高质量数据. A18D …
ECA to develop 6000m water depth AUV - Offshore Engineer …
2017年1月25日 · French research institute Ifremer has chosen French robotics and automation firm ECA Group to develop an ultra deep autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) able to reach 6000m water depth. Through the move, ECA Group will become the prime partner in the CORAL Alliance (Cooperative Off-shore Robotics ALliance), created by Ifremer.
The A9-E AUV (Source: ECA Group Web site) - ResearchGate
This paper gives an overview of autonomous underwater vehicles’ (AUVs’) applications, shapes due to the specific kinetic and dynamic requirements, state estimation, control, navigation, and...
公司简介_法国ECA集团(ECA Group) - chinaagv.com
eca集团用于室内和室外的 amr 作为自动驾驶汽车,ECA GROUP 开发的自动化工业车辆基于 SLAM(同时定位和映射)技术,使机器能够“识别”其环境并使其导航/行为适应特定情况。