ECC85 any good for audio? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2014年9月22日 · As far as I know Dave, the 6AQ8/ECC85 is not an frame grid tube. Now could there be some out there, I'd imagine there could though. (as I've seen Chinese 12at7's with a plate structure like a 6dj8 does) But I've never seen a spec sheet describe them as an frame grid tube. Correct me if I am wrong but when a tube has a plate structure like an
Advantages of ECC85 over ECC81? - Vintage Radio
2010年6月15日 · The ECC85 also has a higher slope and a higher v.h.f. input resistance than the ECC81. The low coupling between sections of the ECC85 makes the problem of reducing oscillator radiation, particularly at the fundamental frequency, much more manageable." i.e. The ECC85 inter-anode capacitance is a tenth of the ECC81's.
ECC85 vs. PCC88 - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2005年4月10日 · The ECC85 is in the US a 6AQ8 and I have run across this tube a few times in FM tuners. I wan't even aware that it had the same pin out as a 6DJ8, but can easily understand why it sounds better. 6DJ8s were used in industrial occiliscopes and tend to …
ECC865 equivalent to ECC85? | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2024年10月20日 · Just brought á Luxkit A3500, and am buying up some new valves before it gets here, thinking about using ECC865 tubes instead of ECC85, I've checked the datasheets, but could do with some more experienced advice.
ECC85 Substitute for 6N1 - Advice Needed - Audiokarma Home …
2009年5月2日 · There is a German seller on the bay claiming the ECC85 are a 1 to 1 replacement for the 6N1. He has NOS Tele's and Valvo pairs for sale and I am tempted. I ask because I ordered one of the Yaqin VK-2100 Hybrid Integrated Amps from the dealer in Canada. It should be here sometime next week. It's a tube/SS Hybrid and uses four of the 6N1.
ECC85 vs. PCC88 - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2005年4月10日 · The ECC85 costs a lot more than the PCC88. This ECC85 is a double triode for the front end stages of FM radio receivers. The PCC88 is a television RF amplifier double frame-grid triode with separate cathodes. I think that's why it costs less. Ciao.
Replacing ECC85 with ECC88 - Vintage Radio
2014年11月26日 · The ECC85 and ECC88 followed the pinout pattern of the 6BQ7. The ECC88 and ECC89 were of the frame-grid type, the former sharp cutoff and the latter remote cutoff. The ECC89 followed the ECC84 pinout pattern, with the internal screen connected to the grid of one of the triodes, which was then effectively confined to the grounded grid configuration.
Can I replace 6n2p with ECC85? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo ...
2018年1月17日 · Hi, I have a little bear t10 phono preamp with 6n2p/12ax7 tube choice. I got some ECC85 and tested and it worked good, sound better than my 6n2p EV. But can I really use it? Will it make my amp kaputt? Thanks.
Telefunken or Mullard 10M ECC85/6AQ8 - Audiokarma Home …
2012年9月15日 · Being an RF amplifier, I'm not sure how the ECC85 will directly impact sound, but I do prefer smooth non-harsh highs and tight non-boomy bass and natural non-shouty midrange. Again, not sure if that is a factor in the application of the ECC85 in this case. Both test very strong. Thanks Al
Advantages of ECC85 over ECC81? - Page 2 - Vintage Radio
2010年6月16日 · Once economic FM receiver design strongly indicated the preference for the single-valve front end, the addition of an interstage screen was justified, hence the ECC85. As GH8QP Dave has outpointed, the available evidence indicates that the screen was the major difference, any others seemingly being points of detail, perhaps even happenstance ...