Electrochemical etching of CR-39 plastic: Applications to radiation ...
1979年12月1日 · The CR-39 plastic successfully reveals ECE trackspots for high-energy a-particles of energies up to 8.78 MeV. The high sensitivity of CR-39 to highenergy a's makes direct activity measurements on radon-gas daughters possible. CR-39 also reveals tracks of protons of energies 500 keV and 1000 keV.
Alpha particle energy response of CR-39 detectors by 50 Hz–HV ...
2017年1月1日 · Alphas of ∼0.3 to ∼4.5 MeV energy were detected in CR-39 by 50 Hz–HV ECE method. Efficiency is ∼90% from ∼0.8 to ∼4.5 MeV for 10 N and 15 N KOH normality at 26 °C. Diameter-energy response for 10 N KOH has Bragg shape matching SRIM response. Mean track diameters versus stopping power in CR-39 have linear responses.
使用 50 Hz-HV 电化学蚀刻方法通过 CR-39 进行高效的 α 粒子检 …
通过利用 cr-39 对 α 粒子的敏感性,为考察 50 hz-hv ece 方法和 cr-39 在不同 koh 常态下的奇异响应的功效,研究了 500 μm cr-39 中 0.8 mev α 粒子轨迹的检测特性,用于不同的通量、ece 持续时间和 koh 常态。
Electrochemical etching studies of the CR-39 plastic
1980年6月15日 · The paper reports the development of track-spots in the homopolymer CR-39 by the electrochemical etching (ECE) technique. Apart from a brief description of some basic investigations into the ECE characteristics of CR-39, a number of applications are described.
Energy Response of CR-39 (ECE) Figure 1 shows the response of electrochemically etched CR-39 as a function of the average neutron energy which, for all the detectors, generally decreases with
(PDF) Dosimetric Systems and Characteristics of CR-39
2010年1月1日 · CR-39 is a solid state nuclear track detector, chemically known as poly-allyl-diglycol-carbonate, widely used for personnel neutron monitoring because of its sensitivity to neutrons, excellent...
Alpha particle energy response of CR-39 detectors by 50 Hz–HV ...
2017年1月1日 · High inherent sensitivity of CR-39 to detect relatively lower-LET particles, proved efficacy of 50 Hz–HV electrochemical etching method and need to efficient detection methods prompted this...
Efficient alpha particle detection by CR-39 applying 50 Hz-HV ...
2016年7月1日 · Alpha particles can be detected by CR-39 by applying either chemical etching (CE), electrochemical etching (ECE), or combined pre-etching and ECE usually through a multi-step HF-HV ECE...
Electrochemical etching properties of CR-39 detector: …
ECE enlarges the neutron induced tracks sufficiently enabling them to be counted under an optical microscope at low magnifications. However, ECE depends upon a number of …
Electrochemical etching studies of the CR-39 plastic - OSTI.GOV
The paper reports the development of track-spots in the homopolymer CR-39 by the electrochemical etching (ECE) technique. Apart from a brief description of some basic investigations into the ECE characteristics of CR-39, a number of applications are described.