心动周期(cardiac cycle)指从一次心跳的起始到下一次心跳的起始,心血管系统所经历的过程。 心脏舒张时内压降低,腔静脉血液回流入心,心脏收缩时内压升高,将血液泵到动脉。
The ECG - Cardiac Cycle - TeachMePhysiology
2023年12月19日 · The electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to trace the electrical activity in cardiac tissue. It looks at how electrical impulses travel through the heart from various angles. It is …
Cardiac cycle - Wikipedia
The cardiac cycle is the performance of the human heart from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. [1] It consists of two periods: one during which the heart muscle …
Cardiac cycle phases: Definition, systole and diastole | Kenhub
2023年10月30日 · The cardiac cycle is defined as a sequence of alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles in order to pump blood throughout the body. It starts at the …
19.3 Cardiac Cycle – Anatomy & Physiology
The cardiac cycle comprises a complete relaxation and contraction of both the atria and ventricles, and lasts approximately 0.8 seconds. Beginning with all chambers in diastole, blood …
Cardiac cycle explained: cardiac cycle phases, ECG, graph
2017年9月25日 · Cardiac cycle phases The heart is the most hardworking organ, supplying blood to every corner through the circulatory system. We can electronically measure this cardiac …
Cardiac electrophysiology and ECG interpretation
The cardiac cycle begins when the sinoatrial node discharges an action potential that spreads through the heart. The action potential spreads in the form of an electrical impulse, by cell-to …
Cardiac cycle – Basic Human Physiology
Describe the phases of the cardiac cycle including ventricular filling, isovolumic contraction, ventricular ejection, and isovolumic relaxation. Explain how atrial systole is related to …
The Cardiac Cycle | Measuring and Managing the Output of the …
Define the steps in the cardiac cycle. Correlate the cardiac cycle with the electrocardiogram and with the pumping action of the heart. Explain how the output of the heart is measured. Interpret …
Cardiac Cycle - UTMB Health
2020年10月8日 · Cardiac cycle of the left side of the heart. The electrocardiogram (EKG) below the diagram shows the corresponding waves with each phase of the cardiac cycle. The bottom …