Export Development Canada (EDC)
Export Development Canada (EDC) is Canada’s export credit agency, offering trade finance, export credit insurance, bonding services, & foreign market expertise.
Heads of G7 ECA Meeting Statement | EDC
The G7 ECA Heads acknowledge the important role that ECAs continue to play in supporting their own exports and foreign investments and confirm that now, a variety of roles are expected, including promoting inclusive and sustainable trade and investment in developing countries, emerging markets and more established economies, and contributing to ...
About us - EDC
Export Development Canada (EDC) is a Crown corporation dedicated to helping Canadian companies of all sizes succeed on the world stage. We equip them with the tools they need – the trade knowledge, financial solutions, equity, insurance, and connections – to grow their business with confidence.
Export Development Canada - Wikipedia
Export Development Canada (EDC; French: Exportation et développement Canada) is Canada's export credit agency and a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Canada. Its mandate is to support and develop trade between Canada and other countries, and help Canada's competitiveness in the international marketplace.
Export Development Canada (EDC) | Export Credit Agency (ECA…
Export Development Canada (EDC) is Canada’s export credit agency. Their job is to support and develop Canada’s export trade by helping Canadian companies respond to international business opportunities. They manage and take on risk, making it safer for businesses to grow beyond Canadian borders.
Export Development Canada legislative review 2018
As Canada’s ECA, EDC exists to support Canadian exports and the capacity to engage in export trade. Trade facilitation is at the core of EDC’s operations, responding to the needs of exporters of all sizes and types for credit and risk management expertise to underpin the ongoing flow of export transactions.
日本貿易保険(NEXI)とカナダ輸出開発公社(Export Development Canada…
2018年9月26日 · 株式会社日本貿易保険(NEXI:代表取締役社長 板東一彦)は、カナダの輸出信用機関(ECA)であるカナダ輸出開発公社(Export Development Canada、以下EDC)との間でOne-Stop-Shop再保険協定を締結しました。
Export Development Canada | www.eca-watch.org
Export Development Canada is one of the largest export credit agencies in the world. It provides roughly $100 billion in loans, insurance and other financial services to Canadian and foreign companies every year.
Heads of G7 Export Credit Agencies Meeting Communiqué | EDC
The leaders of official export credit agencies (ECAs) from the G7 nations – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States of America – were hosted by Export Development Canada in Toronto, Canada to discuss a number of pressing geopolitical, economic and sustainability matters impacting exporters and global ...
Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) are institutions whose principal objective is to promote exports from their own country. ECAs may be private companies or quasi-governmental institutions, and their precise status varies from country to country. Who are they? What do they do?