Design code KB3 - EDF FR
KB3 is a graphical user interface for creating, interactively simulating, and transforming system dependability models into quantitative models, starting from generic models available in libraries. KB3 is a registered trademark.
R&D : le code de calcul KB3 - EDF FR
KB3 est une interface graphique permettant de créer, simuler de manière interactive et transformer en modèles quantitatifs des modèles de sûreté de fonctionnement de systèmes à partir de modèles génériques disponibles dans des librairies.
Our software and calculation codes - EDF FR
KB3 Software to help perform systems safety, dependability, performance and security studies
KB3: computer program for automatic generation of fault trees
1999年1月21日 · At EDF, KB3 is used for the safety studies of nuclear power plants. It is founded on knowledge bases describing generic classes of components, with their behaviour and failure modes. This description results of a generic functional analysis (FA) and a failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) of the systems and is written in a dedicated language ...
Development of a knowledge base KB3 dedicated to the …
This work aims to contribute to the development of a new knowledge base KB3 devoted specifically to the dynamic rappresentation of the sources of the electrical system of the EPR. Ultimately it is a tool that allows to carry out dynamic PSA studies from a modeling faithful to that of the real system of the plant considered.
2002年3月1日 · KB3 automatically builds reliability models of the structural type (fault trees or systems of Boolean equations) or behavioural type ( Markov graphs, Monte Carlo simulation models,
Test and verification of EDF's new software for the preparation of ...
The thesis delves into the work done to establish Confluent as a user-friendly, easy, and simplified software for the safety analysts at EDF. It begins with the full comprehension of the difficulties of modelling with ‘KB3’, then several test activities are carried out to identify the possible technical limitations and finally ...
核电蒸汽发生器控制分析 - cnnpn.cn
2023年9月18日 · 法国电力公司(edf)开发了bdmp建模软件kb3及其定量分析软件yams,已广泛应用于发电厂和电网中各种系统的可靠性分析。 然而,由于kb3软件是edf拥有的内部软件,因此限制出口,只有教育版才能在其他国家应用。因此,它的建模能力受到很大限制。
dependability studies, Electricité de France (EDF) developed the KB3 program [2]. KB3 automatically builds reliability models of the structural type (fault trees or systems of Boolean equations) or behavioural type (Markov graphs, Monte Carlo simulation models, etc.) for studying a system on the basis of a graphic description of
KB3: computer program for automatic generation of fault trees
1999年1月1日 · KB3, formerly named EXPRESS, is a knowledge based-workbench that assists in building reliability models. At EDF, KB3 is used for the safety studies of nuclear power plants. It is founded on...