EDP445 Crying - YouTube
EDP balls his eyes out after Carson wentz clutches up with 26 seconds left.
EDP445 | Wikitubia | Fandom
Bryant Turhan Emmerson Moreland[note 1] (born: December 15, 1990 [age 34]), better known online as EDP445 (short for E at D at P ussy 445; commonly and simply referred to as EDP), is an American internet personality and YouTuber known for his videos mainly revolving around the Philadelphia Eagles, many of which have been used in memes online.
EDP445's Cupcake Incident - 1 Year Later - YouTube
EDP445 was a YouTuber whose reputation would get completely destroyed on the night of April 20th, 2021, after a video came out of him trying to meet up with a 13 year-old-girl for inappropriate...
袁成伟(游戏ID:Cryin), [2] 出生于2000年11月5日,英雄联盟职业选手,司职 中单,效力于EDG战队 [31]。 2017年5月,袁成伟加入YM战队试训,2018年作为YM战队中单随队征战LDL赛场。 [33] Cryin对线打法偏向稳健风格,擅长瑞兹、奥莉安娜等英雄,职业生涯曾先后效力于YM、RNG [33] 、UP [34] 、IG [25] 等战队。 2021年,袁成伟在RNG队期间,获得LPL春季赛冠军、2021英雄联盟季中冠军赛冠军 [35-36]。 2021年英雄联盟全球总决赛,袁成伟出战,RNG战 …
LCD接口设计系列一:基于eDP接口屏的硬件电路设计 - 知乎
2022年4月21日 · edp接口由 vesa (视频电子标准协会)制定、维护以及推广,目前最新协议标准是1.4版本,市场上比较常见的屏支持的协议是1.2或1.3版本,我大概看了一下,这三个协议规范没有太大差异(个人通过看协议规范发现的)。
Thoughts on EDP's apology video? : r/EDP445 - Reddit
2023年7月7日 · Thoughts on EDP's apology video? It seems a bit legit, at least he admits "It's my fault" but he says "I'm trying to get help." If this is true, good for him! If not, which absolutely wouldn't surprise me if he's lying, he can continue to rot alone. He also doesn't apologize to us, or his victims. He only apologizes to his family and friends.
Display协议解析 - DP, eDP, HDMI - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
eDP(Embedded DisplayPort)是数字显示技术领域的标准协议,其创始者为视频电子标准协会(VESA),创始成员包括戴尔、惠普、三星、飞利浦以及英伟达等。eDP协议是针对DP(Display Port)应用在嵌入式方向架构和协议的拓展,所以eDP协议完全兼容DP协议。相对于DVI/HDMI ...
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EDP445 is probably crying rn : r/teenagers - Reddit
2023年2月13日 · r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19.
Right now : r/EDP445 - Reddit
2023年2月13日 · Fan-made sub for EatDatPussy445. Use this sub to talk about all things EDP, whether to roast, criticize, or discuss. If you have any questions regarding any moderation decisions, ask in the mod mail.