Kathleen Pigg | ASU Search - Arizona State University
Kathleen B. Pigg is a paleobotanist who studies fossil plants, primarily from western North America that are closely related to modern plants of North America and often Asia.
Stacey Pigg - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Stacey Pigg is a Professor of Technical and Scientific Communication and Director of Graduate Programs in the Department of English. Stacey has published over 40 articles and 1 book focused on how digital and networked writing practices shape work, learning, and engagement across academic and professional contexts.
Biology Faculty — Department of Biology - University of Louisville
Education: Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2015. Teaching interests: Introductory biology for majors and non-majors, animal behavior, ecology, evolution, and scientific communication. Research interests: Behavioral ecology; signaling behavior and mate choice; discipline-based educational research.
Ailea Merriam-Pigg - Department of Communication Arts – …
“ Casting as a Rhetorical A ct: Color-Purposeful Casting and Hamilton’s Anti-White Casting Call”; in Rise Up: The Revolutionary Rhetoric of Hamilton, 2022. Metagaming Attention: Defining the Metagame Through the Economy of Attention on Twitch; Popular Culture Studies Journal, 2021.
Stacey Pigg at University of Central Florida | Rate My Professors
Stacey Pigg is a professor in the Writing department at University of Central Florida - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Stacey L. Pigg - Home - ACM Digital Library
Toward entrepreneurial pedagogies: Rethinking professional networking as knowledge making Benjamin Lauren, Stacey Pigg
Kathleen Pigg at Arizona State University | Rate My Professors
Kathleen Pigg is a professor in the Biology department at Arizona State University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Stacy Pigg - Sociology & Anthropology - Simon Fraser University
Dr. Stacy Leigh Pigg, Professor of Anthropolgy and Associate Member of the School for International Studies, received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University. Dr. Pigg's research explores the global interconnections and uneven translations produced through medicine, science, and development.
Joseph Pigg - my.ccad.edu
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Rachel Pigg at University of Louisville | Rate My Professors
Rachel Pigg is a professor in the Biology department at University of Louisville - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.