Model 8530 AC power source | EEC - an Ikonix Brand
The 8530 provides 1Ø AC power and comes with unique features at a competitive price. Standard mode adds the ability to remotely control and program the power source. Advanced mode adds the benefits of a sweep of voltage, frequencies, transients, and DC bias over the course of a single sequence or several different tests.
8500 Series - Products - EEC
The EEC 8500 Series is the most power dense and functionality rich power source in our history, giving you improved capability, functionality, and a reduced footprint all in one series. This series is manufactured or simulating common grid faults, voltage dips, and other power abnormalities.
8500 Programmable AC Power Source - Real-world Power Simulation - EEC
With wide ranges performance of up to 310V output voltage, 1,200Hz frequency, and various waveforms. Simulate real-world power distribution conditions at anywhere. For Lab and quality assurance, a variety of pulses, and spikes simulation is critical. 8500 built-in modes that is pre-compliance testing according to IEC 61000* standards.
EEC 08530 - AC+DC Power Source (3kVA) - TEquipment
The 8530 provides 1Ø AC power and comes with unique features at a competitive price. The advanced mode adds the benefits of a sweep of voltage, frequencies, transients, and DC bias over the course of a single sequence or several different tests.
8500 Programmable AC Power Source - Real-world Power Simulation - EEC
The 8500 series is the next generation high-performance programmable AC power source EEC ever created. Designed completely with the end-user in mind. The 8500 series provide rich functionalities and product selections. Making it the ideal and …
Products - AC Power Sources | EEC - an Ikonix Brand
Advanced mode adds the benefits of a sweep of voltage, frequencies, transients, and DC bias over the course of a single sequence or several different tests. The 8500 Series includes the following models: 8505, 8512, 8520, 8530, 8540, & 8560.
Whitepapers - EEC 85xx Power Supply Connection - Ikonix USA
Download PDF Version of EEC 85xx Power Supply Connection. This application note provides essential guidelines for proper connection of the 8500 series power supply to ensure safe and reliable operation. Adhering to these recommendations will help prevent damage to both power supply and connected devices. 1. Input Voltage and Current.
8500系列可程式交流電源 - 產品介紹 - 俊儀科技有限公司
具有AC、DC、AC+DC輸出模式,輸出容量:500-6000VA,輸出電壓:0-310Vac,輸出頻率:DC-1200Hz,提供標準版、進階版及專業版性能套件,具Step、List、Pulse、Transient 及 Harmonic 模式模擬真實電網故障狀況等功能,且高功率密度設計低噪音散熱力強.
Our 8500 Sources can be configured as a simple AC Power Source in MANUAL mode, as an upgraded option with Standard mode or incorporating all functions with Advanced Mode. Advanced mode adds the benefits of a sweep of voltage, frequencies, transients, and DC bias over the course of a single sequence or several different tests.
8500 Series - Programmable AC Power Source - EEC - DirectIndustry
Programmable mode adds the benefits of a sweep of voltage, frequencies, transients, and DC bias over the course of a single sequence or several different tests. The 8500 Series includes the following models: 8505, 8512, 8520, 8530, 8540, & 8560.