What are the differences between FADEC and EEC systems?
2017年9月15日 · The EEC is dual redundant with all subs-systems such as sensors, cables etc duplicated, so that a single fail leaves the system fully operational. It is housed either in the …
2005年10月18日 · EEC continually checks the sensors against its records of normal readings during operating conditions similar to its current state. Hold on that sounds hard! Not really, …
avionics - How does EEC/FADEC recognize/anticipate engine …
2018年3月12日 · So I'm wondering, when the engine runs at idle and the pilot sets a higher thrust level, what exactly happens, that the EEC/FADEC recognizes, that I want to accelerate? My …
'90 5.8L getting continuous code 33 and running code 44
2005年10月18日 · The EGR Valve is required in EEC systems where EGR flow is controlled by the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) through an EGR Valve Position (EVP) sensor attached …
Engine line plugged with - Bronco Zone
2019年9月12日 · EGR Valve is required in EEC systems where EGR flow is controlled by the EEC. through an EGR Valve Position (EVP) sensor. EGR valve for this system is a vacuum …
1987 Ford Bronco HELP | Bronco Zone
2011年3月4日 · The MCU system uses a large six sided connector, identical to the one used with EEC-IV systems. The MCU system does NOT use the small single wire connector, like the …
EEC IV Diagnostic Routines; - Bronco Zone
2005年10月18日 · 1994 PCED OBDI-A SECTION 2A: Diagnostic Routines Diagnostic Routines Symptom Flow Charts — Chart 9 Symptom OASIS Number Stalls/Quits 607000 …
1990 Bronco XLT 5.8l | Bronco Zone
2022年10月12日 · 1980: Ford introduces the EEC-III system. This system included all the sensors used by the ECC-II system, with the addition of a temperature Sensor. In 1981, the ECC-III …
What is nominal n1 and fuel flow behavior during cruise climb?
2019年11月2日 · If it depends, then what systems (fadec?) or settings (rated/non-rated mode?) are responsible for setting the behavior. For the Boeing 737, the required fuel flow to reach the …
EEC power relay trouble and "spontaneous" starting
2011年4月21日 · But engine is starts normally, all systems was ok - it's very strange. This relay powering PCM (EEC), injectors, 3 or 4 sensors and solenoids (egr, etc.), fuel pump relay - …