Contingent negative variation - Wikipedia
The contingent negative variation (CNV) is a negative slow surface potential, as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), that occurs during the period between a warning stimulus or signal and an imperative ("go") stimulus.
事件相关电位(2):不同感觉通道的早期成分 - 知乎
Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) | SpringerLink
2023年11月17日 · The contingent negative variation (CNV), first described by Gray Walter in 1964 as “expectancy wave,” is a slow cortical endogenous potential widely recognized as the electrophysiological signature of a task-specific preparatory state that facilitates the...
Contingent Negative Variation - an overview - ScienceDirect
Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) is a slow negative deflection in the scalp-recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) that occurs when an action or stimulus is contingent on a preceding stimulus, associated with expectancy, anticipation, and …
The contingent negative variation (CNV), first described by Gray Walter in 1964 as “expectancy wave,” is a slow cortical endogenous potential widely recognized as the electrophysiological signature of a task-specific
精神疾病脑电相关研究汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
6.1.精神疾病和关联性负变(CNV,contingent negative variation)CNV是在出现警告系统后达到峰值(260–470ms)并表示了被试期望值的ERP。 有研究称 CNV 的神经发生器在头皮顶点最突出,并且是对称的。
Contingent negative variation: a biomarker of abnormal attention …
Contingent negative variation (CNV) is a negative cortical wave that precedes a pre‐cued imperative stimulus requiring a quick motor response. It has been related to motor preparation and anticipatory attention.
Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) - Springer Nature
The contingent negative variation (CNV), first described by Gray Walter in 1964 as “ expectancy wave,” is a slow cortical endogenous potential widely recognized as the electrophysiological signature of a task-specific preparatory state that facilitates the stimulus perception and the required response. Here, we describe the techniques ...
Brain activity relating to the contingent negative variation: an fMRI ...
The contingent negative variation (CNV) is a long-latency electroencephalography (EEG) surface negative potential with cognitive and motor components, observed during response anticipation. CNV is an index of cortical arousal during orienting and attention, yet its functional neuroanatomical basis i …
关联性负变(Contingentnegativevariation,CNV) - 新浪博客
关联性负变(Contingent negative variation,CNV)是反映人脑复杂心理活动的负向电位,它与人脑对事件的准备、期待、注意、动机等心理活动密切相关,与被试者注意保持能力密切相关。 时间:提示之后,目标之前,如果时间间隔太短,如370ms,产生不了CNV;间隔为2s时能够产生CNV。 位置:FC1/FC2. http://s8/mw690/005tYl0gzy7kSb2X6M727&690. 参考文献: Arjona A, Escudero M, Gómez C M. Cue validity probability influences neural processing of targets. [J].